Class X3DScene3DInt

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable, java.lang.Comparable<InterfaceShape>, AttributeListener, AttributeObject, InterfaceObject, PersistentObject, VariableObject, PopupMenuObject, NamedObject, InterfaceQueryObject, InterfaceShapeQueryObject, VertexDataColumnListener, InterfaceTransferable, TreeObject, CleanableObject, XMLObject, IconObject, org.jogamp.java3d.GeometryUpdater

public class X3DScene3DInt
extends Shape3DInt
  • Field Details

    • scene

      public org.jogamp.java3d.BranchGroup scene
  • Constructor Details

    • X3DScene3DInt

      public X3DScene3DInt()
    • X3DScene3DInt

      public X3DScene3DInt​(org.jogamp.java3d.BranchGroup s)
  • Method Details

    • setScene

      public void setScene​(org.jogamp.java3d.BranchGroup s)
    • setScene3DObject

      public void setScene3DObject()
      Description copied from class: Shape3DInt
      Sets this ShapeInt's Java3D scene node from its current geometry and rendering attributes. This node should be retrieved using the Shape3DInt.getShapeSceneNode() method. A scene node will only created if one of these conditions is met:
      • The shape is auxiliary (i.e., not a model shape, but a helper shape such as a section polygon)
      • The shape is associated with a ShapeModel3D, and this model is live (is associated with at least one Java3D scene graph).
      Subclasses which call this super method should always check that a scene node has indeed been created.
      setScene3DObject in class Shape3DInt
    • init

      protected void init()
      init in class Shape3DInt
    • updateShape

      public void updateShape()
      Description copied from class: Shape3DInt
      Updates the geometric bounds of this ShapeInt. Does not call Shape3DInt.setScene3DObject().
      updateShape in class Shape3DInt