Graph3DOutputOptions |
Output options for a Graph3DWriter
Graph3DWriter |
Writer for a Graph3DInt object; default is to write using the domestic
XML representation.
InterfaceShapeLoader |
Abstract loader class for all loaders which load InterfaceShape objects.
InterfaceShapeWriter |
General writer for an InterfaceShape object.
Mesh3DLoader |
Deafult loader for loading a Mesh3DInt object.
Mesh3DWriter |
Default writer for a Mesh3DInt object.
MeshOptionsDialogBox |
Point2DShapeLoader |
PointSet2DInputDialogBox |
PointSet2DInputOptions |
Options for loading a PointSet2DInt object.
PointSet2DLoader |
PointSet3DDataInputDialogBox |
PointSet3DDataInputOptions |
PointSet3DDataLoader |
PointSet3DInputDialogBox |
PointSet3DInputOptions |
Options for loading a PointSet3DInt object.
PointSet3DLoader |
Domestic loader for a 3D point set.
PolygonSet3DInputDialogBox |
PolygonSet3DInputOptions |
Options for loading a PolygonSet3DInt object.
PolygonSet3DLoader |
Loads a set of 3D polygon objects (*.poly3d) from text.
ShapeDataInputDialogBox |
Dialog box for ShapeDataLoader.
ShapeDataInputOptions |
Options for loading vertex-wise data into a shape.
ShapeDataLoader |
Loads vertex-wise data from tabular text files into shapes.
ShapeInputDialogBox |
Dialog box for loading a ModelGUI shape.
ShapeInputOptions |
ShapeModel3DInputDialog |
Dialog box for specifying options to load a ShapeModel3D object into the workspace.
ShapeModel3DInputOptions |
ShapeModel3DLoader |
ShapeModel3DOutputDialog |
Dialog box for specifying the XML output of a ShapeModel3D .
ShapeModel3DOutputOptions |
ShapeModel3DWriter |
ShapeOutputDialogBox |
ShapeOutputOptions |
ShapeXmlLoader |
ShapeXmlWriter |
SurfaceDataFileLoader |
SurfaceDataFileWriter |
SurfaceDataInputDialogBox |
Dialog box for loading vertex-wise data into a surface.
SurfaceDataInputOptions |
SurfaceDataOutputDialogBox |
SurfaceDataOutputOptions |
Options for outputting surface data to a text file (single column)
SurfaceFileLoader |
Abstract loader class for all loaders which load Mesh3DInt objects.
SurfaceFileWriter |
Represents an abstract surface file writer object.
SurfaceInputDialogBox |
Dialog box for specifying options to load a Mesh3D from file.
SurfaceInputOptions |
Options for inputting a Mesh3DInt object.
SurfaceOutputDialogBox |
SurfaceOutputOptions |
Standard options for writing a surface to file.
VectorDataLoader |
VectorSet3DInputDialogBox |
VectorSet3DInputOptions |
Options for loading a VectorSet3DInt object.
VectorSet3DLoader |
VolumeFileDataSource |
Acts as a data source for volume files.
VolumeFileInterface |
VolumeFileLoader |
Loader for reading from a volume (3D grid) file into a Volume3DInt object.
VolumeFileWriter |
Writes a Volume3DInt to file.
VolumeInputDialogBox |
Dialog box for specifying parameters for loading a Volume3D object
VolumeInputOptions |
Options specifying a Volume3DInt object.
VolumeOutputDialogBox |
Dialog box for specifying options to write a Volume3DInt to file, using the default (Nifti)
VolumeOutputOptions |
Specifies options for outputting a Volume3DInt to persistent storage.
X3DFileInterface |
Interface to X3D/VRML format text files.