Class AbstractDendrites

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Comparable<DynamicModelComponent>, AttributeListener, AttributeObject, InterfaceObject, NamedObject, TreeObject, CleanableObject, DynamicModelComponent, TimeStepListener, Updateable, Dendrites, NeuronalComponent
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractDendrites
extends AbstractNeuronalComponent
implements Dendrites
Default class for dendrites. Contains a list of dendrite objects which can be connected to other dendrites. A dendrite can only be connected to one other dendrite, thus running connectDendrites will disconnect any existing connections d1 has. A dendrite can receive any number of connections; thus the set of connected dendrites is either disjoint or a tree. All dendrites without forward connections should be connected to a soma by the instance of Neuron that contains them. NOTE: the tree constraint can be broken by overriding methods, if this is for some reason desirable.
Andrew Reid