
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
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r() - Method in class
R - mgui.geometry.volume.VolumeFunctions.VolumeAxis
r_size - Variable in class mgui.geometry.Grid3D
R_temp - Variable in class
R_temp2 - Variable in class
Ra - Variable in class mgui.neuro.components.compartments.SimpleCompartment
RadialNodes - Variable in class mgui.morph.sections.RadialRepresentation
RadialRep2D - Class in mgui.morph.sections
RadialRep2D() - Constructor for class mgui.morph.sections.RadialRep2D
RadialRep2D(Polygon2D) - Constructor for class mgui.morph.sections.RadialRep2D
RadialRep2D(RadialRepresentation) - Constructor for class mgui.morph.sections.RadialRep2D
RadialRep2DInt - Class in mgui.morph.sections
RadialRep2DInt() - Constructor for class mgui.morph.sections.RadialRep2DInt
RadialRep2DInt(Polygon2D) - Constructor for class mgui.morph.sections.RadialRep2DInt
RadialRep2DInt(RadialRep2D) - Constructor for class mgui.morph.sections.RadialRep2DInt
RadialRep2DInt(RadialRepresentation) - Constructor for class mgui.morph.sections.RadialRep2DInt
RadialRepresentation - Class in mgui.morph.sections
RadialRepresentation() - Constructor for class mgui.morph.sections.RadialRepresentation
RadialRepresentation(Polygon2D) - Constructor for class mgui.morph.sections.RadialRepresentation
radii - Variable in class mgui.morph.sections.RadialRep2D
radius - Variable in class mgui.geometry.Circle2D
radius - Variable in class mgui.geometry.mesh.EnergySphere
radius - Variable in class mgui.geometry.Sphere3D
Radius2D - Class in mgui.geometry
DEV NOTE: deprecate or change; does not have fixed geometry, thus doesn't fit definition of a Shape.
Radius2D() - Constructor for class mgui.geometry.Radius2D
Radius2D(float, float) - Constructor for class mgui.geometry.Radius2D
Set this radius with angle and length double values
Radius2D(MguiFloat, MguiFloat) - Constructor for class mgui.geometry.Radius2D
Set this radius with angle and length arDouble objects
random() - Static method in class
Random in unit cube
RANDOM_600 - Static variable in class mgui.interfaces.maps.DiscreteColourMap
randomGaussian() - Static method in class
Random Gaussian
randomInCircle() - Static method in class
Random in unit circle
randomInSphere() - Static method in class
Random in unit sphere
randomOnCircle() - Static method in class
Random on unit circle
randomOnSphere() - Static method in class
Random on unit sphere
Raw -
rAxis - Variable in class mgui.geometry.Box3D
ray - Variable in class mgui.geometry.neuro.mesh.SampleRay
rDim - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.Volume3DTexture
read() - Method in class
readChar() - Method in class
readData() - Method in class
Read all the data into one byte array.
readDouble() - Method in class
readDoubleCorrect() - Method in class
readDoubleCorrect will return a double from the stream
readDoubleTmcrs(short, short, short) - Method in class
Read one 1D timecourse from a 4D dataset, ie all T values for a given XYZ location.
readDoubleVol(short) - Method in class
Read one 3D volume from disk and return it as 3D double array.
readDoubleVol(short) - Method in class
Read one 3D volume from disk and return it as 3D double array
readFloat() - Method in class
readFloatCorrect() - Method in class
readFloatCorrect will return a float from the stream
readFromFile(File) - Method in class
readHeader() - Method in class
Read header information into memory.
readHeader() - Method in class
Read header information into memory
readHeader() - Method in class
readHeader(File) - Method in class
readHeader(File) - Method in class
Reads header information from file.
readHeader(File) - Method in class
readInstanceList(File) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProjectDialogBox
readInt() - Method in class
readIntCorrect() - Method in class
readIntCorrect will return an int from the stream
readLong() - Method in class
readLongCorrect() - Method in class
readLongCorrect will return a long from the stream
readOrderedChar() - Method in class
readOrderedDouble() - Method in class
readOrderedFloat() - Method in class
readOrderedInt() - Method in class
readOrderedLong() - Method in class
readShort() - Method in class
readShortCorrect() - Method in class
readShortCorrect will return a short from the stream
readVolume(int, DataType, ProgressUpdater) - Method in interface mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.VolumeMetadata
Reads the 3D volume at voxel dimension t.
readVolume(int, DataType, ProgressUpdater) - Method in class
readVolume(int, DataType, ProgressUpdater) - Method in class
readVolume(int, DataType, ProgressUpdater) - Method in class
readVolume(File, int, DataType, ProgressUpdater) - Method in class
Reads the 3D volume at the specified volume t, from data_file.
ready() - Static method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceEnvironment
This method should be called once a Workspace is instantiated and the Session is ready for use.
record_set - Variable in class mgui.datasources.LinkedDataStream
recordSet - Variable in class mgui.datasources.DataRecordSet
recordSet - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.datasources.DataTableModel
Rect2D - Class in mgui.geometry
Represents a 2D rectangle.
Rect2D() - Constructor for class mgui.geometry.Rect2D
Rect2D(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class mgui.geometry.Rect2D
Rect2D(float, float, float, float, Vector2f) - Constructor for class mgui.geometry.Rect2D
Rect2D(Rect2D) - Constructor for class mgui.geometry.Rect2D
Rect2D(Point2f, Point2f) - Constructor for class mgui.geometry.Rect2D
Rect2D(Point2f, Point2f, Vector2f) - Constructor for class mgui.geometry.Rect2D
Rect2DInt - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes
Represents a 2D rectangle.
Rect2DInt() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Rect2DInt
Rect2DInt(Rect2D) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Rect2DInt
Rect3D - Class in mgui.geometry
Represents a 3D rectangle shape, defined by four 3D nodes representing BL, BR, TR, TL corners, respectively.
Rect3D() - Constructor for class mgui.geometry.Rect3D
Rect3D(ArrayList<Point3f>) - Constructor for class mgui.geometry.Rect3D
Rect3D(Rect3D) - Constructor for class mgui.geometry.Rect3D
Rect3D(Point3f[]) - Constructor for class mgui.geometry.Rect3D
Rect3DInt - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes
Rect3DInt() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Rect3DInt
Rect3DInt(Rect3D) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Rect3DInt
redirect - Variable in class
Redrawn -
Redrawn -
ref_camera - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.Volume3DRenderer
Reference - mgui.interfaces.xml.XMLObject.XMLType
refresh - Variable in class
refresh() - Method in class mgui.datasources.LinkedDataStream
refreshDataSource() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.datasources.InterfaceDatasourcePanel
refreshModel() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeModel3D
Updates this model by setting its shape scene node.
regenerateDisplay() - Method in class
Regenerates all the shapes in this display.
region - Variable in class mgui.neuro.graphs.CorticalNetworkGraphNode
regions - Variable in class mgui.neuro.networks.CorticalNetwork
register() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.gui.AbstractProgressUpdater
register() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceProgressBar
Registers this progress bar with its display panel (i.e., by calling registerProgressBar().
register() - Method in interface mgui.interfaces.ProgressUpdater
Registers this progress updater with the ModelGUI session
register() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
Registers this shape with the current session, if it hasn't already been done, by assigning it a unique identifier.
register() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet3DInt
registerCamera(Camera3D) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet3DInt
registerCameraListener(Camera3D) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape3DInt
registerCameraListener(Camera3D) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
registerCameras(ArrayList<Camera3D>) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet3DInt
registered_cameras - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet3DInt
registerModelClip(ModelClip) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.ClipPlane
registerPipelineProcessLibrary(PipelineProcessLibrary) - Static method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceEnvironment
Registers a new pipeline process library.
registerProcess(CaminoProcess) - Static method in class mgui.neuro.imaging.camino.CaminoEnvironment
registerProgressBar(InterfaceProgressBar) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDisplayPanel
registerProgressBar(InterfaceProgressBar) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceStatusBarPanel
registerSubmenus(JMenu) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.menus.InterfacePopupMenu
registerSubmenus(JMenu, String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.menus.InterfacePopupMenu
registerTool(Tool) - Method in class
Registers a ruler tool with this dialog, which registers that the tool requires the use of this dialog.
regular - Variable in class
regular_background - Variable in class
ReifiedArrayList<E> - Class in mgui.collections
Implements a version of ArrayList which is reified (meaning that its generic type is retrievable.
ReifiedArrayList() - Constructor for class mgui.collections.ReifiedArrayList
ReifiedArrayList(ArrayList<E>) - Constructor for class mgui.collections.ReifiedArrayList
relay_listeners - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlot
releaseAttributes() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.LPolygon2DInt
releaseAttributes() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.LPolygon3DInt
releaseData() - Method in class
releaseScene3DChildren() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape3DInt
remove() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.SectionSetIterator
remove() - Method in class mgui.morph.sections.util.MorphSectionSetIterator
remove(int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.NameMap
remove(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.AttributeList
remove(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.NameMap
remove(String) - Method in class mgui.util.OptionList
remove(Attribute<?>) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.AttributeList
remove(InterfacePipeline) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineFork
remove(PipelineTask) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.InterfacePipeline
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.ContinuousColourBar
removeAllEdges() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceAbstractGraph
Removes all edges in this Graph.
removeAllFaces() - Method in class mgui.geometry.Mesh3D
removeAllNodes() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceAbstractGraph
Removes all nodes in this Graph.
removeAllPanels() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDisplayPanel
removeAllVertices() - Method in class mgui.geometry.Mesh3D
Removes all vertices in this mesh.
removeAllVertices(boolean) - Method in class mgui.geometry.Mesh3D
Removes all vertices in this mesh.
removeAnchor(int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.ContinuousColourBar
removeAnchor(int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.ContinuousColourMap
removeAnchors(MguiNumber, MguiNumber) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.ContinuousColourMap
Remove all anchor points between min and max
removeAttributeListener(AttributeListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.Attribute
removeAttributeListener(AttributeListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.AttributeList
removeAxis(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtCartesianLayout
removeAxis(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtPlotLayout
Removes the axis with the specified name from this layout.
removeBadFaces(Mesh3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.mesh.MeshFunctions
removeCategory(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.AttributeList
removeCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.AbstractTreeCellEditor
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.stats.HistogramPlot
Remove a ChangeListener from this plot panel
removeChannel(String) - Method in class
removeChannel(String) - Method in interface
Removes the channel named channel.
removeChannel(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.MatrixPlotDataSource
Removes a channel for this data source.
removeChild(InterfaceTreeNode) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeNode
removeColourMap(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
removeCommas(String) - Static method in class mgui.numbers.MguiInteger
removeCommas(String) - Static method in class mgui.numbers.MguiLong
removeCommas(String) - Static method in class mgui.numbers.MguiShort
removeComponent(DynamicModelComponent) - Method in class mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModelEngine
removeConnection(DynamicModelComponent) - Method in interface mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModelComponent
removeConnection(DynamicModelComponent) - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.AbstractNeuroComponent
removeDataField(DataTable, DataField) - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataSource
Attempts to remove a field from the specified table in this data source.
removeDataLink(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.VertexDataColumn
Removes the data link specified by name from this column
removeDataLink(String, String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
removeDataQuery(DataQuery) - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataSource
Remove an SQL query from this data source.
removeDataSource(DataSource) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceWorkspace
removeDataSourceDriver(String) - Static method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceEnvironment
Removes the specified data source driver from the environment.
removeDataSourceListener(DataSourceListener) - Method in interface
removeDataSourceListener(DataSourceListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.MatrixPlotDataSource
removeDataSourceListener(DataSourceListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.PlotXYDataSource
removeDataSourceListener(DataSourceListener) - Method in class
removeDataSourceListener(DataSourceListener) - Method in class mgui.models.environments.AbstractEnvironmentDataSource
removeDataTable(DataTable) - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataSource
Removes the specified table from this data source.
removeDendrite(Dendrite) - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.AbstractDendrites
removeDendrite(Dendrite) - Method in interface mgui.neuro.components.Dendrites
removeDisplayListener(DisplayListener) - Method in class
removeDisplayListener(DisplayListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfacePanel
removeDisplayPanelListener(DisplayPanelListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDisplayPanel
removeDuplicateFaces(Mesh3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.mesh.MeshFunctions
removeDuplicateNodes(Mesh3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.mesh.MeshFunctions
Removes all duplicate vertices from mesh, and changes mesh in place.
removeDynamicListener(DynamicPipelineListener) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.InterfacePipeline
removeDynamicListener(DynamicPipelineListener) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineLauncher
removeDynamicModel(InterfaceAbstractModel) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceWorkspace
removeEditor(TreeCellEditor) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeCellEditor
removeExtension(int) - Method in class
Remove an extension from a header
removeFace(int) - Method in class mgui.geometry.Mesh3D
removeFaces(TreeSet<Integer>) - Method in class mgui.geometry.Mesh3D
Remove a list of faces.
removeField(String) - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataTable
removeField(DataField) - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataTable
removeFilter() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.datasources.DataTableModel
removeGraph(InterfaceAbstractGraph) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceWorkspace
removeGraphEdge(AbstractGraphEdge) - Method in class mgui.graphs.networks.AbstractNetworkGraph
removeGraphEdge(AbstractGraphEdge) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.DefaultGraph
Removes the given graph edge.
removeGraphicListener(InterfaceGraphicListener) - Method in class
removeGraphicListener(InterfaceGraphicListener) - Method in class
removeGraphicMouseListener(GraphicMouseListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDisplayPanel
removeGraphicMouseListener(GraphicMouseListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceTabbedDisplayPanel
removeGraphics3D(InterfaceGraphic3D) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeModel3D
removeGraphListener(InterfaceGraphListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceAbstractGraph
removeGraphNode(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.DefaultGraph
Removes the node corresponding to label.
removeGraphNode(AbstractGraphNode) - Method in class mgui.graphs.networks.AbstractNetworkGraph
removeGraphNode(AbstractGraphNode) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.DefaultGraph
Removes the given node.
removeGrid(Graphic2DGrid) - Method in class
removeInputStream(DataInputStream<T>) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlot
removeInputStreamListener(DataInputStreamListener<T>) - Method in class
removeInputStreamListener(DataInputStreamListener<T>) - Method in interface
removeItem(int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.ValueMap
removeLayer(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtPlotLayout
Removes the layer corresponding the the specified name from this layout.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.layouts.CategoryLayout
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.layouts.LineLayout
removeLightSource(DirectionalLight) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.Camera3D
removeLightSource(DirectionalLight) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.Map3D
removeListener(NetworkGraphListener) - Method in class mgui.graphs.networks.AbstractNetworkGraphConnection
removeListener(NetworkGraphListener) - Method in class mgui.graphs.networks.AbstractNetworkGraphNode
removeListener(DataSourceListener) - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataSource
removeListener(AxesListener) - Method in class
removeListener(VideoListener) - Method in class
removeListener(Camera3DListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.Camera3D
removeListener(InterfaceNeuroComponentListener) - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.AbstractNeuroComponent
removeListener(QueryListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.queries.InterfaceQuery
Removes a query listener from this query.
removeListener(VertexDataColumnListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.VertexDataColumn
removeListener(ToolInputListener) - Method in class
removeListener(ToolInputListener) - Method in class
removeListener(ToolListener) - Method in class
removeListener(ToolListener) - Method in class
removeListener(ToolListener) - Method in class
removeListener(ToolListener) - Method in class
removeListener(ToolListener) - Method in interface
removeListener(TreeListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeNode
removeListener(VariableListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.variables.VariableInt
removeListener(DynamicModelEnvironmentListener) - Method in interface mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModelEnvironment
removeListener(DynamicModelEnvironmentListener) - Method in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
removeListener(DynamicModelListener) - Method in interface mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModel
removeListener(DynamicModelListener) - Method in class mgui.models.networks.AbstractNetworkModel
removeListener(NetworkListener) - Method in class mgui.models.networks.AbstractNetwork
removeListener(PipelineTaskListener) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineTask
removeListeners(ArrayList<GraphicMouseListener>) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceStatusBarPanel
removeListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.datasources.DataSourceDialogPanel
removeListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.datasources.DataSourceListDialogPanel
removeMapListener(MapListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.Map
removeMask(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
removeMenuItem(JMenuItem) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.menus.InterfaceMenu
removeMenuItem(JMenuItem) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.menus.InterfacePopupMenu
removeMenuItem(JMenuItem, JMenu) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.menus.InterfaceMenu
removeMenuItem(JMenuItem, JMenu) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.menus.InterfacePopupMenu
removeModel(InterfaceAbstractModel) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceWorkspace
removeModelListener(ShapeModel3DListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeModel3D
removeMouseListener(InterfaceMouseListener) - Method in class
removeMouseListener(InterfaceMouseListener) - Method in interface mgui.interfaces.InterfaceMouseObject
removeMouseObject(GraphicMouseListener) - Method in class
removeMouseRelayListener(MouseRelayListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlot
removeMouseRelayListener(MouseRelayListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.InterfacePlotSgt
removeNameMap(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
Removes the name map associated with column key.
removeNameMap(NameMap) - Static method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceEnvironment
Removes a name map from the environment.
removeNode(int) - Method in class mgui.geometry.PointSet3D
removeNode(int) - Method in class mgui.morph.sections.MappedPolygon2D
removeNodeByCount(double) - Method in class mgui.morph.sections.MappedPolygon2D
removeNodeByCount(double, double) - Method in class mgui.morph.sections.MappedPolygon2D
Remove a node from A, selected by the criteria that its target has a maximum source count (i.e., multiple source (A) nodes mapped to a single target (B) node), and is attached to a minimal length edge.
removeNodes(Mesh3D, boolean[]) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.mesh.MeshFunctions
Removes all nodes specified in nodes from mesh, and retriangulates the remaining nodes.
removeNodes(Mesh3D, boolean[], NeighbourhoodMesh) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.mesh.MeshFunctions
Removes all nodes specified in nodes from mesh, and retriangulates the remaining nodes.
removeObservableName(int) - Method in interface mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModelEnvironment
removeObservableName(int) - Method in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
removeObservableName(String) - Method in interface mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModelEnvironment
removeObservableName(String) - Method in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
removeOverride() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet2DInt
removeOverride() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet3DInt
Removes this set's override; all members are rendered according to their own attributes.
removeParameter(String) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineProcess
removePipeline(InterfacePipeline) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceWorkspace
removePipeline(InterfacePipeline) - Method in class mgui.neuro.imaging.camino.CaminoProject
removePlot(InterfacePlot<?>) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceWorkspace
removePlot(InterfacePlot<?>) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotMulti
removePlot(Drawable) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.osp.InterfacePlotOsp
removePostRenderShape(Shape2DInt) - Method in class
removePostRenderShape(Shape2DInt) - Method in class
removeProcess(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.pipelines.libraries.PipelineProcessLibrary
removeProject(CaminoProject) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.neuro.imaging.camino.InterfaceCaminoPanel
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceGraphDisplay
removePulse(PulseTrainUpdater.CurrentPulse) - Method in class mgui.models.updaters.PulseTrainUpdater
removePulse(PulseTrainUpdater.CurrentPulse) - Method in class mgui.neuro.updaters.PulseTrainUpdater
removeQuery(InterfaceQuery) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceWorkspace
removeQueryVertex(QueryShapeVertex) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.queries.InterfaceShapeQuery
removeRenderer(DefaultTreeCellRenderer) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeCellRenderer
removeRow(int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShapesPanel.VertexSelectionTableModel
removeSection(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.SectionSet3DInt
Remove the section at index section.
removeSectionNode(InterfaceGraphic2D) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.Volume3DRenderer
removeSelected() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtMultilinePlotDialog.YTableModel
removeSelected() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtScatterPlotDialog.XYTableModel
removeSelectionListener(ShapeSelectionListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection.ShapeSelectionSet
removeSelectionListener(ShapeSelectionListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeModel3D
removeSelectionSet(ShapeSelectionSet) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.SectionSet3DInt
removeSelectionSet(ShapeSelectionSet) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeModel3D
removeSensor(DynamicModelEnvironmentSensor) - Method in interface mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModel
removeSensor(DynamicModelEnvironmentSensor) - Method in interface mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModelEnvironment
removeSensor(DynamicModelEnvironmentSensor) - Method in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
removeSensor(DynamicModelEnvironmentSensor) - Method in class mgui.models.networks.AbstractNetworkModel
removeSet(ShapeSelectionSet) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection.ShapeSelectionSet
removeShape(int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet2DInt
removeShape(InterfaceShape) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.SectionSet3DInt
removeShape(InterfaceShape) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection.ShapeSelectionSet
removeShape(InterfaceShape) - Method in interface mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet
Removes a shape from this set
removeShape(InterfaceShape) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet2DInt
removeShape(InterfaceShape) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet3DInt
Removes shape from this shape set and removes it as a parent set and a shape listener.
removeShape(Shape2DInt, boolean, boolean) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.SectionSet3DInt
removeShape(Shape2DInt, boolean, boolean) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet2DInt
removeShape(Shape3DInt, boolean, boolean) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet3DInt
Remove update arguments
removeShape2D(Shape2DInt, boolean, boolean) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet3DInt
removeShape2DChild(Shape2DInt) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape3DInt
removeShape3D(Shape2DInt) - Method in class
removeShapeListener(ShapeListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
removeShapeListener(ShapeListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeModel3D
removeShapeModel(ShapeModel3D) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceWorkspace
removeShapeNode(InterfaceShape) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.trees.Shape2DTreeNode
removeShapeNode(InterfaceShape) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.trees.Shape3DTreeNode
removeShapeNode(InterfaceShape) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.trees.ShapeModel3DTreeNode
removeShapeNode(InterfaceShape) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.trees.ShapeTreeNode
removeSplitPanelListener(SplitPanelListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceSplitPanel
removeStaticListener(StaticPipelineListener) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.InterfacePipeline
removeStrandedNodes(Mesh3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.mesh.MeshFunctions
Removes all nodes from mesh which do not have a corresponding face.
removeStream(OutputStream) - Method in class
removeSynapse(Synapse) - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.AbstractDendrite
Remove a synapse along with its connection to this dendrite
removeSynapse(Synapse) - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.compartments.CompartmentalDendrite
removeSynapse(Synapse) - Method in interface mgui.neuro.components.Dendrite
removeTab(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceTabbedDisplayPanel
removeTabbedDisplayListener(TabbedDisplayListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceTabbedDisplayPanel
removeTable(DataTable) - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataTableSet
removeTask(VideoTask) - Method in class
removeTempShape(Shape2DInt) - Method in class
Remove temporary shape shape from the stack
removeTempShape(BranchGroup) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeModel3D
removeTempTables() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataSource
removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.AbstractTreeTableModel
removeTreeNodeListener(TaskTreeNodeListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.pipelines.trees.TaskTreeNode
removeUnit(ConnectableNeuron) - Method in class mgui.neuro.networks.AbstractNeuralNet
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.InterfaceVolumePanel
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.InterfaceVolumeSetPanel
removeVariable(VariableInt<?>) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceWorkspace
removeVertex(int) - Method in class mgui.geometry.Mesh3D
Remove a vertex from this mesh, and any faces including it.
removeVertex(int) - Method in class mgui.geometry.Polygon2D
Removes the vertex at idx
removeVertex(int, boolean) - Method in class mgui.geometry.Mesh3D
Remove a vertex from this mesh.
removeVertexData(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
Remove a vertex data column from this shape.
removeVertexData(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.neuro.CorticalHemisphereSet3DInt
removeVertexData(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.neuro.CorticalSurfaceSet3DInt
removeVertexData(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape2DInt
removeVertexData(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
removeVertices(TreeSet<Integer>) - Method in class mgui.geometry.Mesh3D
Remove a list of vertices.
removeVideo(Video) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceWorkspace
removeView3D(View3D) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceWorkspace
removeVolume(String, boolean) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.VolumeSet3DInt
Removes the first volume having name name from this set.
removeVolume(Volume3DInt, boolean) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.VolumeSet3DInt
Removes the given volume (actually the first volume having the identical name) from this set.
removeWindow(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDisplayPanel
Removes the panel associated with name, if it exists.
removeWindow(InterfaceGraphic2D) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet3DInt
removeWindow(InterfaceGraphicWindow) - Method in interface
Remove child from this container, and notify listeners.
removeWindow(InterfaceGraphicWindow) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDisplayPanel
removeWindow(InterfaceGraphicWindow) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceSplitPanel
removeWindow(InterfaceGraphicWindow, boolean) - Method in interface
Remove child from this container.
removeWindow(InterfaceGraphicWindow, boolean) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDisplayPanel
removeWindow(InterfaceGraphicWindow, boolean) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceSplitPanel
removeWindowListener(WindowListener) - Method in class
renameTable(String, String) - Method in class
Rename a table to be imported
renameVertexDataColumn(String, String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
Renames the current column.
renameVertexDataColumn(String, String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
render(View3d) - Method in class
render(View3d) - Method in class
render the cube, given a 3D view
render(View3d) - Method in class
render the edge, given a 3D view
render(View3d) - Method in class
render the triangle, given a 3D view
render(View3d) - Method in interface
render this object3d
render(View3d) - Method in class
render(View3d) - Method in class
render(View3d) - Method in class
render(View3d) - Method in class
render(View3d) - Method in class
render the poly, given a 3D view
render(View3d) - Method in class
render the Mesh, given a 3D view
render(View3d) - Method in class
render(View3d) - Method in class
render the triangle, given a 3D view
render(View3d) - Method in class
render the triangle, given a 3D view
render(Graphics2D) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.graphs.Graph2DInt.RenderServer
render(Canvas3D) - Method in class
render_mode - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.Volume3DRenderer
render_node - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
render_vertex - Variable in class mgui.geometry.Polygon2D
renderContext - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.graphs.Graph3DInt
renderer - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.AttributeSelectionMap
renderer - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
renderers - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeCellRenderer
renderPolygon() - Method in class
RenderServer(Graph2DLayout<AbstractGraphNode, AbstractGraphEdge>) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.graphs.Graph2DInt.RenderServer
repaint() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.tree.NonPrivateDefaultTreeCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
repaint(long, int, int, int, int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.tree.NonPrivateDefaultTreeCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
repaint(Rectangle) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.tree.NonPrivateDefaultTreeCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
repaintAxes() - Method in class
replace(Attribute<?>) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.AttributeList
replace(InterfaceGraphicWindow, InterfaceGraphicWindow) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceSplitPanel
Replace old with nieuw.
replaceAll(String, String, String) - Static method in class mgui.util.StringFunctions
Replaces all occurrences of find in string and replaces them with replace, without using regex.
replaceSeparators(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.projects.ProjectDirectory
Replaces the separators (/ or \) with the file-system-specific separator
reportSuccess(boolean) - Method in class
RequiredChanged - mgui.datasources.DataFieldEvent.EventCode
requiresRedraw(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceGraphDisplay
Returns true is an update to the attribute attribute requires the display window to redraw itself.
resample - Variable in class
resample - Variable in class
resample(int) - Method in class mgui.geometry.neuro.mesh.SampleRay
resample_n - Variable in class mgui.geometry.neuro.mesh.ScalpAndSkullModelOptions
resampleMesh(Mesh3D, Mesh3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.neuro.mesh.NeuroMeshFunctions
Resamples the source mesh with the vertices of the resample mesh (typically a sphere).
reset - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.plots.MatrixPlotDataSource
reset - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.plots.PlotXYDataSource
reset() - Method in class
Resets the clock and all tasks in this video.
reset() - Method in class
Resets this task
reset() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.layouts.Coordinate3DLayout
reset() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.layouts.CoordinateLayout
reset() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.gui.AbstractProgressUpdater
reset() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceProgressBar
Resets the progress bar with its minimum and maximum values.
reset() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.MatrixPlotDataSource
Resets this data source.
reset() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.PlotXYDataSource
Resets this data source.
reset() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.VariablePlotTimeSeriesDataSource
Resets this data source.
reset() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.VariablePlotXYDataSource
Resets this data source.
reset() - Method in interface mgui.interfaces.ProgressUpdater
reset() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.graphs.util.Graph2DLayout
reset() - Method in class
reset() - Method in class
reset() - Method in class
reset() - Method in interface mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModel
reset() - Method in interface mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModelComponent
reset() - Method in class mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModelEngine
reset() - Method in interface mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModelEnvironment
reset() - Method in interface mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModelEnvironmentSensor
reset() - Method in interface mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModelUpdater
reset() - Method in class mgui.models.dynamic.functions.ODEFunction
reset() - Method in class mgui.models.environments.AbstractEnvironmentDataSource
reset() - Method in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
reset() - Method in class mgui.models.networks.AbstractNetwork
reset() - Method in class mgui.models.updaters.LinearUpdater
reset() - Method in class mgui.models.updaters.PulseTrainUpdater
reset() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.AbstractNeuroComponent
reset() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.compartments.AbstractCompartment
Reset the compartment's temporary variables
reset() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.compartments.SimpleCompartment
reset() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.AbstractCorticalInput
reset() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.functions.BiexponentialFunction
reset() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.functions.MorrisLecarFunction
reset() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.simple.SimpleCorticalConnection
reset() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.simple.SimpleCorticalOutput
reset() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.simple.SimpleCorticalRegion
reset() - Static method in class mgui.neuro.imaging.camino.CaminoFunctions
reset() - Method in class mgui.neuro.updaters.PulseTrainUpdater
reset() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.InterfacePipeline
reset() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineState
reset() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineTask
Resets this task, and sets its status to NotStarted.
reset(Graphics2D) - Method in class
resetBuffer() - Method in class mgui.morph.sections.MappedPolygon2DPath
resetCache() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.datasources.DataTableModel
resetCharts() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.osp.InterfaceStripChart
resetClock() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.AbstractNeuroComponent
resetCursor() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataRecordSet
resetDataLimits(boolean) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.VertexDataColumn
resetDefaults() - Static method in class mgui.neuro.imaging.camino.CaminoFunctions
Since Camino was built to be run from the command line, its static CL_Initializer and OutputManager classes are meant to be reinstantiated upon each function call.
resetHistogram() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.InterfaceVolumePanel
resetImageComponent() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.Volume3DTexture
resetInputDataSource() - Method in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
resetInputNames() - Method in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
resetInputState() - Method in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
resetLayout() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotMulti
resetNodes() - Method in class mgui.geometry.Rect3D
resetNodes() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.BoolPolygon2DInt
resetNodes() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.IntPolygon2DInt
resetObservableDataSource() - Method in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
resetObservableState() - Method in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
resetPanels() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDisplayPanel
Removes all panels from this display panel, and removes all mouse listeners registered on them.
resetPanels() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceTabbedDisplayPanel
resetPlot() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.InterfacePlotSgt
Resets the plot's data and redraws it if necessary.
resetRotation() - Method in class mgui.geometry.Rect2D
Resets the rotation vector of this rectangle to its default of (1, 0) - the x-axis.
resetSections() - Method in class mgui.morph.sections.MorphSections3DInt
resetSelectionIndex() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDisplayPanel
resetSolver() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.compartments.AbstractCompartment
resetTaskInstances() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.InterfacePipeline
resetTexture() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.Volume3DTexture
resetTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection.ShapeSelectionSet
reshape(int, int, int, int) - Method in class
resize(int, int) - Method in class
resizeArray() - Method in class mgui.geometry.PointSet2D
resizeString(String, int) - Static method in class mgui.util.StringFunctions
Resizes string to length length, by truncating or padding with spaces.
resizeString(String, int, char) - Static method in class mgui.util.StringFunctions
Resizes string to length length, by truncating or padding.
resort() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.ContinuousColourMap
Resources - Class in mgui.resources
TODO: use this static class to define all core resources
Resources() - Constructor for class mgui.resources.Resources
responded(ShapeListener) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.ShapeEvent
restart() - Method in class
Restarts this video by resetting the clock and resuming playback.
restorePreviousState() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreePanel
Restores the expanded state of nodes as of the last call to setCurrentState().
results - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.queries.InterfaceQuery
resume() - Method in class
Resumes playback of this video.
retain_original - Variable in class
rev_axis_x - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtPlotLayout
rev_axis_y - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtPlotLayout
revalidate() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.tree.NonPrivateDefaultTreeCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
reverse() - Method in class mgui.geometry.Mesh3D.MeshFace3D
RGB - Static variable in class mgui.datasources.DataTypes
RGB - Static variable in class mgui.util.Colours
rgba - Variable in class mgui.image.util.WindowedColourModel
RGBA - mgui.interfaces.plots.mgui.MatrixImagePlot.ColourType
RGBA - Static variable in class mgui.datasources.DataTypes
RGBA - Static variable in class mgui.util.Colours
RGBFileLoader - Class in
RGBFileLoader(File) - Constructor for class
right - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.neuro.CorticalSurfaceSet3DInt
right_contains - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.neuro.CorticalThicknessOptions
Rm - Variable in class mgui.neuro.components.compartments.SimpleCompartment
root - Variable in class mgui.geometry.util.K3DBinaryTree
root - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.trees.AbstractTreeTableModel
root_dir - Variable in class
root_dir - Variable in class
root_dir - Variable in class
root_dir - Static variable in class mgui.neuro.imaging.camino.CaminoFunctions
root_dir - Variable in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineState
root_directory - Variable in class mgui.neuro.imaging.camino.CaminoProject
root_pipeline - Variable in class mgui.pipelines.InterfacePipeline
ROT180 - mgui.geometry.volume.VolumeFunctions.VolumeRotationAngle
ROT270 - mgui.geometry.volume.VolumeFunctions.VolumeRotationAngle
ROT90 - mgui.geometry.volume.VolumeFunctions.VolumeRotationAngle
rotate(double, double, double) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.graphs.Graph2DInt.DrawingTransformer
rotate(double, Point2D) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.graphs.Graph2DInt.DrawingTransformer
rotate(int[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.volume.VolumeFunctions
rotate(Shape2D, Point2d, double) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Rotates shape about base_point by angle radians.
rotate(Shape2D, Point2f, double) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Rotates shape about base_point by angle radians.
rotate(Shape3D, Point3d, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Rotates this shape about a base point base_point and an axis axis by angle radians.
rotate(Shape3D, Point3f, Vector3f, double) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Rotates this shape about a base point base_point and an axis axis by angle radians.
rotateDims(int[], int, int) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.volume.VolumeFunctions
Returns new dimensions for a rotation about a basis axis.
rotateRate - Variable in class
rotateShapeYPR(Shape3D) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.ShapeEngine
rotateVector(Vector3d, Vector3d, double, double) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.Camera3D
RotateView3DTask - Class in
Video task which rotates a Camera3D over a specific time interval, with the rotation defined by an X and a Y angle.
RotateView3DTask() - Constructor for class
RotateView3DTask(long, long, double, double) - Constructor for class
RotateView3DTaskDialogPanel - Class in
Dialog panel for a RotateView3DTask.
RotateView3DTaskDialogPanel() - Constructor for class
RotateView3DTaskDialogPanel(RotateView3DTask) - Constructor for class
rotateX(double) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.Camera3D
rotateY(double) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.Camera3D
rotation - Variable in class mgui.geometry.Rect2D
RowNumberRenderer() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.RowNumberTable.RowNumberRenderer
RowNumberTable - Class in mgui.interfaces.gui
RowNumberTable(JTable) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.RowNumberTable
RowNumberTable.RowNumberRenderer - Class in mgui.interfaces.gui
RowsAsVectors -
RulerDialog - Class in
Dialog to be displayed when executing a Ruler tool (ToolRuler2D or ToolRuler3D).
RulerDialog(JFrame) - Constructor for class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in interface
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineJob
run() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineState.ErrorStreamListener
run(String[], long) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.JavaProcess
run(String[], long) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.NativeProcess
run(String[], long) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineProcess
Runs an instance of this process
run_command(String) - Method in class mgui.command.CommandInstance
Runs a single command with the current parameters.
run_command(String) - Method in class mgui.datasources.util.DataSourceCommands
Running - mgui.command.CommandFunctions.ProcessState
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