All Classes|All Packages
- i - Variable in class
- i - Static variable in class
- icon - Variable in class
- icon - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBoxRenderer
- icon - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.maps.Camera3D
- icon - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlot
- icon - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- icon - Variable in class
- icon - Variable in class
- icon - Variable in class
- icon - Variable in class
- icon_type - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProjectOptions
- IconObject - Interface in mgui.resources.icons
Interface for objects which have an associated icon.
- id - Variable in class
- id - Variable in class mgui.neuro.components.AbstractNeuroComponent
- id() - Method in interface
- id() - Method in class
- id() - Method in class
- ID - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- id_field - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.neuro.CorticalThicknessDataTableOptions
- id_string - Variable in class
- idFactory - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet2DInt
- idFactory - Variable in class mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModelEngine
- idFactory - Variable in class mgui.models.networks.AbstractNetwork
- IDFactory - Class in mgui.util
Static factory that produces unique ID numbers (long)
- IDFactory() - Constructor for class mgui.util.IDFactory
- idStr - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape2DInt
- idStr - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape3DInt
- idStr - Variable in class mgui.morph.sections.AttributeNode2D
- idVRML() - Method in class
- idVRML(int) - Method in class
- idVRML(int) - Method in class
- ignore_large_bin - Variable in class mgui.stats.Histogram
- Iinj - Variable in class mgui.neuro.components.compartments.SimpleCompartment
- ijk - Static variable in class
- image - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Image2DInt
- image_orientation_patient - Variable in class
- Image2DInt - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes
Displays an image inside a Rect2D shape.
- Image2DInt() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Image2DInt
- Image2DInt(Rect2D, BufferedImage, boolean) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Image2DInt
- Image2DTexture - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes.util
Creates a Texture2D object from a given image.
- Image2DTexture() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.Image2DTexture
- Image2DTexture(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.Image2DTexture
- Image2DTexture(BufferedImage, boolean) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.Image2DTexture
- Image3DInt - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes
Draws a rectangular planar image in R3.
- Image3DInt() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Image3DInt
- Image3DInt(Rect3D, BufferedImage) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Image3DInt
- Image3DInt(Rect3D, BufferedImage, boolean) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Image3DInt
- Image3DTexture - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes.util
- Image3DTexture() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.Image3DTexture
- Image3DTexture(BufferedImage, int) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.Image3DTexture
- Image3DTexture(BufferedImage, int, boolean) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.Image3DTexture
- ImageFileLoader - Class in
- ImageFileLoader() - Constructor for class
- ImageFilter - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes.util
- ImageFilter() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.ImageFilter
- ImageFunctions - Class in mgui.util
Utility class for imaging-related functions.
- ImageFunctions() - Constructor for class mgui.util.ImageFunctions
- images - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.Volume3DTexture
- images_per_second - Variable in class
- ImageStackVideoDialog - Class in
Sets parameters for an image stack output operation, via ImageStackVideoWriter.
- ImageStackVideoDialog() - Constructor for class
- ImageStackVideoDialog(JFrame, InterfacePanel, VideoOutputOptions) - Constructor for class
- ImageStackVideoOptions - Class in
Options for a video stack output operation; i.e., vis ImageStackVideoWriter.
- ImageStackVideoOptions() - Constructor for class
- ImageStackVideoOptions(int, long, long, long, File) - Constructor for class
- ImageStackVideoOptions(int, long, long, long, File, Dimension) - Constructor for class
- ImageStackVideoWriter - Class in
Outputs a
to a stack of images which can be used to compile a video using a utility such as VirtualDub. - ImageStackVideoWriter() - Constructor for class
- ImageStackVideoWriter(File) - Constructor for class
- imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.pipelines.trees.TaskTreeNode
- ImagingIOFunctions - Class in
- ImagingIOFunctions() - Constructor for class
- importData(TransferHandler.TransferSupport) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.pipelines.trees.PipelineTreeTransferHandler
- ImportDataTableDialogBox - Class in
Interface which allows the user to define and import tabular data (e.g., from a text file, spreadsheet, or matrix) into a new table in a given data source.
- ImportDataTableDialogBox() - Constructor for class
- ImportDataTableDialogBox(JFrame, InterfaceIOPanel, InterfaceIOOptions) - Constructor for class
- ImportDataTableLoader - Class in
Imports data from an external format into a new
table. - ImportDataTableLoader() - Constructor for class
- ImportDataTableOptions - Class in
Specifies options for importing data to a data source table.
- ImportDataTableOptions() - Constructor for class
- ImportDataTableTextLoader - Class in
Imports data from a delimited text file into a new
table. - ImportDataTableTextLoader() - Constructor for class
- ImportDataTableTextOptions - Class in
Specifies options for importing data from a text file to a data source table.
- ImportDataTableTextOptions() - Constructor for class
- in - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.mesh.MeshDataMaskOptions
- in - Static variable in class mgui.neuro.imaging.camino.tasks.Shredder2
- include - Variable in class
- include - Variable in class
- include_shape - Variable in class
- Increment -
- incremental - Variable in class
- Incremental - Class in
- Incremental(Point3dObject3d[]) - Constructor for class
- Indeterminate - mgui.interfaces.ProgressUpdater.Mode
- index - Variable in class mgui.datasources.LinkedDataStream
- index - Variable in class mgui.geometry.mesh.EnergySphere.EnergyNode
- index - Variable in class mgui.geometry.util.SortedShape3D.Vertex
- index - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.queries.QueryShapeVertex
- index - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.ShapeVertexObject
- index - Variable in class mgui.models.environments.AbstractEnvironmentDataSource
- index - Variable in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.AbstractCorticalInput
- index - Variable in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.simple.SimpleCorticalOutputEvent
- index - Variable in class mgui.neuro.components.simple.SimpleMotorNeuronEvent
- index_map - Variable in class mgui.image.util.WindowedColourModel
- index1 - Variable in class mgui.geometry.mesh.MeshFunctions.IndexedPoint3f
- index2 - Variable in class mgui.geometry.mesh.MeshFunctions.IndexedPoint3f
- IndexedPoint3f(Point3f, int) - Constructor for class mgui.geometry.mesh.MeshFunctions.IndexedPoint3f
- indexes - Variable in class mgui.datasources.DataTable
- indexes - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.maps.NameMap
- indices - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.mesh.MeshDataMaskOptions
- indices - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Mesh2DInt
- inflateMesh(Mesh3DInt, String, ProgressUpdater) - Method in class mgui.geometry.mesh.MeshEngine
- inflateMeshTRP(Mesh3DInt, double, double, long, ProgressUpdater) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.mesh.MeshFunctions
Inflate this mesh using the TRP method.
- inflateMeshTRP(Mesh3DInt, double, double, long, ProgressUpdater) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.mesh.MeshInflation
Inflates a given mesh, by relaxing its vertices towards the mean of its neighbours, as described by:
- inflateTRP(Mesh3DInt, ProgressUpdater) - Method in class mgui.geometry.mesh.MeshEngine
- info - Variable in class
- inheritAttributesFromParent() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataQuery
- init() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataSourceDriver
- init() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataTable
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.InterfaceAttributePanel
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.cocomac.InterfaceCoCoMacPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.datasources.DataSourceDialogPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.datasources.InterfaceDatasourcePanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.frames.SessionFrame
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceAbstractGraph
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.tree.GraphTreeCellRenderer
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.gui.ColourBarOutDialog
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.gui.FileButton
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.gui.LineStyleDialog
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceButtonPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceComboPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDialogBox
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDisplayPanel
- init() - Static method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceEnvironment
Initiate environment from the set init file, or the default init file if none is set.
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceHideablePanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceListPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceOptionsTabbedDialogBox
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfacePanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceSelectionPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceSplitPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceStatusBarPanel
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.layouts.InterfaceLayoutPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.layouts.InterfaceLayoutWindow
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.layouts.LayoutDocument
Initializes this document's attributes.
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.layouts.LayoutItem
Initiates this item's attributes.
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.Camera3D
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.ContinuousColourBar
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.InterfaceMapPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.math.MathExpressionDialogBox
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.models.InterfaceDynamicModelPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.neuro.CorticalThicknessDataTableDialogBox
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.neuro.CorticalThicknessDialogBox
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.neuro.imaging.camino.CaminoProcessDialogBox
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.neuro.imaging.camino.CaminoProjectDialogBox
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.neuro.imaging.camino.CaminoTaskDialogBox
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.neuro.imaging.camino.InterfaceCaminoPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.neuro.InterfaceCorticalThicknessPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.pipelines.InterfacePipelinesPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.pipelines.PipelineProcessDialogBox
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.pipelines.PipelineProcessInstanceDialogBox
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlot
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotDisplay
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotMulti
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.osp.InterfacePlotOsp
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.osp.InterfaceStripChart
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProject
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProjectDialogBox
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProjectPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.projects.ProjectDataItem
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.projects.ProjectDirectoryDialogBox
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.queries.InterfaceQueryPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.queries.QueryResultPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Box3DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.dynamic.Volume4DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Image3DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfacePolygonPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceSectionSetPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShapesPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.LPolygon3DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.mesh.InterfaceMeshPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.mesh.MeshDataMaskOptionsDialog
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.mesh.MeshDataThresholdOptionsDialog
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.neuro.CorticalHemisphereSet3DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.neuro.CorticalSurfaceSet3DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.neuro.InterfaceNeuroMeshPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.neuro.InterfaceNeuroMeshPanel2
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.paths.PathDataRenderer
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Polygon3DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.PolygonSet3DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Rect3DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.SectionSet3DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection.InterfaceSelectionSet
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape3DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet3DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeStatsPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.TestTextureInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.trees.ShapeTreeCellRenderer
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Vector3DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.VectorSet3DInt
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.InterfaceVolumePanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.InterfaceVolumeSetPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.VolumeMaskDialog_old
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.X3DScene3DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.stats.HistogramPlot
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.tables.InterfaceDataTable
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeNode
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreePanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.variables.VariableInt
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class mgui.models.dynamic.functions.Function
- init() - Method in class mgui.models.dynamic.functions.HardLimitFunction
- init() - Method in class mgui.models.dynamic.functions.SigmoidFunction
- init() - Method in class mgui.models.networks.AbstractNetwork
- init() - Method in class mgui.models.updaters.LinearUpdater
- init() - Method in class mgui.models.updaters.PulseTrainUpdater.CurrentPulse
- init() - Method in class mgui.models.updaters.PulseTrainUpdater
- init() - Method in class mgui.models.updaters.SimpleEnvironmentUpdater
- init() - Method in class mgui.morph.sections.InterfaceMorphPanel
- init() - Method in class mgui.morph.sections.InterfaceMorphPanel2
- init() - Method in class mgui.morph.sections.InterfaceRadialRep
- init() - Method in class mgui.morph.sections.InterfaceRadialRep2
- init() - Method in class mgui.morph.sections.MorphSections3DInt
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.AbstractAxon
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.AbstractDendrite
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.AbstractDendrites
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.AbstractNeuroComponent
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.AbstractNeuron
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.compartments.AbstractCompartment
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.compartments.CompartmentalComponent
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.compartments.CompartmentalDendrite
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.compartments.SimpleCompartment
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.AbstractCorticalConnection
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.AbstractCorticalRegion
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.functions.BiexponentialFunction
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.functions.MorrisLecarFunction
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.simple.SimpleCorticalOutput
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.simple.SimpleCorticalRegion
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.simple.SimpleAxon
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.simple.SimpleDendrite
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.simple.SimpleMotorNeuron
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.simple.SimpleSensoryNeuron
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.simple.SimpleSoma
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.simple.SimpleSynapse
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.graphs.CorticalNetworkGraph
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.graphs.NeuralNetGraph
- init() - Static method in class mgui.neuro.imaging.camino.CaminoFunctions
- init() - Static method in class mgui.neuro.imaging.camino.CaminoProcesses
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.networks.AbstractNeuralNet
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.networks.CorticalNetwork
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.updaters.PulseTrainUpdater.CurrentPulse
- init() - Method in class mgui.neuro.updaters.PulseTrainUpdater
- init() - Method in class mgui.util.IDFactory
- init(File, boolean) - Method in class
- init(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.frames.SessionFrame
- init(InterfaceFrame, String) - Static method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceEnvironment
Initiate environment from a specified init file.
- init_attribute_table() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.datasources.DataSourceDriverDialogBox
- init_file - Static variable in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceEnvironment
- init_file - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.startup.InitFrame
- init_once - Variable in class
- init2() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.Camera3D.CameraLightSource
- init2() - Method in class
- init2() - Method in class
- initCombos() - Method in class
- initControls() - Method in class
- initDataItems() - Method in class
- initDataSources() - Method in class
- InitFrame - Class in mgui.interfaces.startup
Frame which allows the user to select an init file on start-up.
- InitFrame(InitListener) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.startup.InitFrame
- initFromFile(String) - Static method in class mgui.neuro.imaging.camino.CaminoEnvironment
- initial_radius - Variable in class mgui.geometry.neuro.mesh.ScalpAndSkullModelOptions
- initialize() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.layouts.Coordinate3DLayout
- initialize() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.layouts.CoordinateLayout
- initialize() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.maps.Camera3DLight
- initialize() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.graphs.util.Graph2DLayout
- initialize() - Method in class
- initialized - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.layouts.Coordinate3DLayout
- InitListener - Interface in mgui.interfaces.startup
- initOperations() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShapesPanel
- initOSType() - Static method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceEnvironment
Initialize the environment
- initOutputTypes() - Method in class
- initPanel() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.queries.QueryResultPanel
- initParameters() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineProcessInstance
- initPlot(T) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtCartesianLayout
- initPlot(T) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtPlotLayout
Initiates the plot using the given initial data object.
- initRange(T) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtCartesianLayout
Initiates this plot's range based upon its first data object.
- initRange(T) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtPlotLayout
Initiates this plot's range based upon its first data object.
- initSourceTree() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotDialog
- initTable() - Method in class
- initValidatePanels() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.mesh.InterfaceMeshPanel
- initVolumeSetTable() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.InterfaceVolumeSetPanel
- input - Variable in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.AbstractCorticalInput
- input - Variable in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.simple.SimpleCorticalInputEvent
- input - Variable in class mgui.neuro.components.cortical.simple.SimpleCorticalRegion
- Input -
- INPUT - Static variable in class
- input_column - Variable in class
- INPUT_CONST - Static variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.VolumeMaskOptions_old
- INPUT_DATA - Static variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.VolumeMaskOptions_old
- input_data_source - Variable in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
- input_file - Static variable in class mgui.neuro.imaging.camino.CaminoFunctions
- input_file - Variable in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineProcessInstance
- input_file - Variable in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineState
- Input_file -
- Input_file_type -
- input_names - Variable in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
- Input_opt -
- input_parameter - Variable in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineProcess
- input_streams - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceWorkspace
- input_type - Variable in class
- inputChannel - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.VolumeMaskOptions_old
- inputFactor - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.VolumeMaskOptions_old
- inputFile - Variable in class
- inputListeners - Variable in class
- inputOp - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.VolumeMaskOptions_old
- inputs - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlot
- inputs - Variable in class mgui.neuro.networks.AbstractNeuralNet
- inputState - Variable in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
- inputType - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.VolumeMaskOptions_old
- inputType - Variable in class
- inputValue - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.VolumeMaskOptions_old
- insert(int, InterfacePipeline) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineFork
- insert(int, PipelineTask) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.InterfacePipeline
- Insert -
- insert_at - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.trees.TreeEvent
- insertBefore(PipelineTask, PipelineTask) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.InterfacePipeline
. - insertChild(InterfaceTreeNode, int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeNode
- insertPaintable(VisualizationServer.Paintable) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceGraphDisplay
- insertParameter(TaskParameter, int) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineProcess
- insertShape3D(Shape2DInt) - Method in class
- insertTempShape(Shape2DInt) - Method in class
Insert a temporary shape at the top of the stack (renders last)
- insertTempShape(Shape2DInt, int) - Method in class
Insert a temporary shape at
in the stack - insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.InterfaceVolumePanel
- insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.InterfaceVolumeSetPanel
- inside(Point3d) - Method in class
- inside(Point3d) - Method in class
- inside(Point3d) - Method in class
- instance - Variable in class mgui.pipelines.InterfacePipeline
- instance - Variable in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineLauncher
- instance - Variable in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineProcessInstance
- instance_clock_start - Variable in class mgui.command.CommandInterpreter
- instance_prefix - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProjectOptions
- instance_state - Variable in class mgui.command.CommandInterpreter
- instance_suffix - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProjectOptions
- instance_timer - Variable in class mgui.command.CommandInstance
- instances - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProjectOptions
- Instruction - Class in
- Instruction(SVGParser.Mode, int) - Constructor for class
- instructions - Variable in class
- INT_CURRENT_ZOOM - Static variable in class
- INT_MOUSE_EVENT - Static variable in class
- INT_SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class
- INT_TOOL_TYPE - Static variable in class
- Integer -
- Integer -
- INTEGER - Static variable in class mgui.datasources.DataTypes
- integerNodes - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.IntPolygon2DInt
- integrateTransforms() - Method in class
- intent - Variable in class
- intent_code - Variable in class
- intent_name - Variable in class
- intercept - Variable in class mgui.image.util.WindowedColourModel
- intercept - Variable in class
- intercept - Variable in class
- InterfaceAbstractGraph - Class in mgui.interfaces.graphs
Abstract representation of a Graph in modelGUI; extends Jung's SparseGraph
- InterfaceAbstractGraph() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceAbstractGraph
- InterfaceAbstractModel - Class in mgui.interfaces.models
- InterfaceAbstractModel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.models.InterfaceAbstractModel
- InterfaceAttributePanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.attributes
Panel to display and modify a given AttributeList.
- InterfaceAttributePanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.attributes.InterfaceAttributePanel
- InterfaceAttributePanel(AttributeList) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.attributes.InterfaceAttributePanel
- InterfaceAttributePanel(AttributeObject) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.attributes.InterfaceAttributePanel
- InterfaceAttributeTable - Class in mgui.interfaces.attributes.table
An extension of JTable to display an AttributeList in tabular format.
- InterfaceAttributeTable() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.attributes.table.InterfaceAttributeTable
- InterfaceAttributeTable(AttributeList) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.attributes.table.InterfaceAttributeTable
- InterfaceAttributeTable(AttributeTableModel) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.attributes.table.InterfaceAttributeTable
- InterfaceButton - Class in mgui.interfaces
- InterfaceButton() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceButton
- InterfaceButton(String, Tool) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceButton
- InterfaceButtonPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces
Interface panel displaying a list of tool-related buttons.
- InterfaceButtonPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceButtonPanel
- InterfaceCaminoPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.neuro.imaging.camino
- InterfaceCaminoPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.neuro.imaging.camino.InterfaceCaminoPanel
- InterfaceCanvas3D - Class in
Acts as an InterfaceGraphic wrapper for the Canvas3D object, to enable mouse handling which passes the correct source panel (set here as
). - InterfaceCanvas3D(GraphicsConfiguration) - Constructor for class
- InterfaceCanvas3D(Canvas3D) - Constructor for class
- InterfaceCoCoMacPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.cocomac
- InterfaceCoCoMacPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.cocomac.InterfaceCoCoMacPanel
- InterfaceComboBox - Class in mgui.interfaces.gui
Combo box which implements a variable width popup, which depends on the render mode and the length of its items:
- InterfaceComboBox() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBox
Constructor for this combo box, with default parameters
- InterfaceComboBox(Object[]) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBox
- InterfaceComboBox(Vector) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBox
- InterfaceComboBox(ComboBoxModel) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBox
- InterfaceComboBox(InterfaceComboBox.RenderMode, boolean, int) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBox
Constructor for this combo box
- InterfaceComboBox(InterfaceComboBox.RenderMode, boolean, int, boolean) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBox
Constructor for this combo box
- InterfaceComboBox(InterfaceComboBox.RenderMode, boolean, int, Icon) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBox
Constructor for this combo box
- InterfaceComboBox(InterfaceComboBox.RenderMode, boolean, int, Icon, boolean) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBox
Constructor for this combo box
- InterfaceComboBox(InterfaceComboBox.RenderMode, boolean, int, Transformer<Object, String>) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBox
Constructor for this combo box
- InterfaceComboBox(InterfaceComboBox.RenderMode, boolean, int, Transformer<Object, String>, Icon) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBox
Constructor for this combo box
- InterfaceComboBox.RenderMode - Enum in mgui.interfaces.gui
- InterfaceComboBoxBak - Class in mgui.interfaces.gui
to provide fixed- or variable-width dropdown lists, as well as the ability to display icons. - InterfaceComboBoxBak() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBoxBak
- InterfaceComboBoxBak(InterfaceComboBoxBak.RenderMode) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBoxBak
- InterfaceComboBoxBak(InterfaceComboBoxBak.RenderMode, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBoxBak
- InterfaceComboBoxBak.RenderMode - Enum in mgui.interfaces.gui
- InterfaceComboBoxRenderer - Class in mgui.interfaces.gui
Renderer for
. - InterfaceComboBoxRenderer() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBoxRenderer
- InterfaceComboBoxRenderer(boolean) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBoxRenderer
- InterfaceComboBoxRenderer(boolean, Transformer<Object, String>) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBoxRenderer
- InterfaceComboBoxRenderer(boolean, Transformer<Object, String>, Icon) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceComboBoxRenderer
- InterfaceComboPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces
Interface panel allowing for the display of multiple interface panels, selected by a combo box.
- InterfaceComboPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceComboPanel
- InterfaceConsoleDisplay - Class in mgui.interfaces.console
Window which displays console output.
- InterfaceConsoleDisplay() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.console.InterfaceConsoleDisplay
- InterfaceCorticalThicknessPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.neuro
Panel providing an interface to cortical thickness databases and subject databases.
- InterfaceCorticalThicknessPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.neuro.InterfaceCorticalThicknessPanel
- InterfaceDataSensor<T extends MguiNumber> - Interface in
Represents an entity which senses changes to an input stream.
- InterfaceDataSource<T extends MguiNumber> - Interface in
Represents a source of data; i.e., an entity which emits discretized (presampled) signals.
- InterfaceDatasourcePanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.datasources
Interface panel for displaying, querying, and managing tables and queries in a connected data source.
- InterfaceDatasourcePanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.datasources.InterfaceDatasourcePanel
- InterfaceDataSourceTimeSeries<T extends MguiNumber> - Interface in
Represents an XY signal source with multiple Y channels.
- InterfaceDataSourceXY<T extends MguiNumber> - Interface in
XY data source with unique X-Y pairs.
- InterfaceDataTable - Class in mgui.interfaces.tables
Interface panel for displaying a data table or query.
- InterfaceDataTable() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.tables.InterfaceDataTable
- InterfaceDataTableTitle - Class in mgui.interfaces.tables
- InterfaceDataTableTitle() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.tables.InterfaceDataTableTitle
- InterfaceDataTableTitle(InterfaceDataTable) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.tables.InterfaceDataTableTitle
- InterfaceDialogBox - Class in mgui.interfaces
Interface class acting as a general dialog box that can be extended and designed using the protected init() method and the actionPerformed method implementing the ActionListener interface.
- InterfaceDialogBox() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDialogBox
- InterfaceDialogBox(JFrame) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDialogBox
- InterfaceDialogBox(JFrame, boolean) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDialogBox
- InterfaceDialogBox(JFrame, InterfaceDialogUpdater) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDialogBox
- InterfaceDialogUpdater - Interface in mgui.interfaces
- InterfaceDisplayPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces
Main interface panel for displaying data graphically.
- InterfaceDisplayPanel(SessionFrame) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDisplayPanel
- InterfaceDynamicModelPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.models
- InterfaceDynamicModelPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.models.InterfaceDynamicModelPanel
- InterfaceEnvironment - Class in mgui.interfaces
Stores environmental variables and provides static methods to retrieve them.
- InterfaceEnvironment() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceEnvironment
- InterfaceEnvironment.OsType - Enum in mgui.interfaces
- InterfaceEnvironment.Snapshot3DMode - Enum in mgui.interfaces
- InterfaceFile - Class in
- InterfaceFile(File) - Constructor for class
- InterfaceFile(File, FileFilter) - Constructor for class
- InterfaceFilePanel - Class in
providing a standard interface for input & output operations. - InterfaceFilePanel() - Constructor for class
- InterfaceFilePanel.Command - Enum in
- InterfaceFrame - Class in mgui.interfaces
Abstract class to be extended by all frames which contain an
. - InterfaceFrame() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceFrame
- InterfaceFunctions - Class in mgui.interfaces.util
Utility class for interface objects.
- InterfaceFunctions() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.util.InterfaceFunctions
- InterfaceGraph -
- InterfaceGraphDisplay - Class in mgui.interfaces.graphs
Displays graphs and allows user interaction with them.
- InterfaceGraphDisplay() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceGraphDisplay
- InterfaceGraphDisplay(InterfaceAbstractGraph, String) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceGraphDisplay
- InterfaceGraphDisplayTitle - Class in mgui.interfaces.graphs
- InterfaceGraphDisplayTitle() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceGraphDisplayTitle
- InterfaceGraphDisplayTitle(InterfaceGraphDisplay) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceGraphDisplayTitle
- InterfaceGraphEvent - Class in mgui.interfaces.graphs
- InterfaceGraphEvent(InterfaceAbstractGraph, int) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceGraphEvent
- InterfaceGraphic<T extends Tool> - Class in
The base class for all graphical interface windows.
- InterfaceGraphic() - Constructor for class
- InterfaceGraphic.GraphicType - Enum in
- InterfaceGraphic2D - Class in
Graphical interface window for display 2D shapes (Shape2DInt).
- InterfaceGraphic2D() - Constructor for class
Instantiate and initialize a new 2D graphics window.
- InterfaceGraphic2D(String) - Constructor for class
Instantiate and initialize a new 2D graphics window called
. - InterfaceGraphic2DTextBox - Class in
Status text box for a Graphic2D window.
- InterfaceGraphic2DTextBox() - Constructor for class
- InterfaceGraphic2DTextBox(String) - Constructor for class
- InterfaceGraphic2DTextBox(String, int) - Constructor for class
- InterfaceGraphic3D - Class in
Interface class for Java3D display.
- InterfaceGraphic3D() - Constructor for class
- InterfaceGraphic3D(String) - Constructor for class
- InterfaceGraphic3D(ShapeModel3D) - Constructor for class
- InterfaceGraphicListener - Interface in
Specifies a listener on
objects. - InterfaceGraphicPanel - Class in
Panel to define the display windows in InterfaceDisplayPanel, including: 1.
- InterfaceGraphicPanel() - Constructor for class
- InterfaceGraphicPanel.GraphicWindowListEditor - Class in
- InterfaceGraphicPanel.GraphicWindowListRenderer - Class in
- InterfaceGraphicTextBox - Class in
Represents a labelled text box which updates from mouse movement events on its registered
components. - InterfaceGraphicTextBox() - Constructor for class
- InterfaceGraphicTextBox(String) - Constructor for class
- InterfaceGraphicWindow - Class in
Provides a title for an
window, which is a button. - InterfaceGraphicWindow() - Constructor for class
- InterfaceGraphicWindow(InterfaceGraphic<?>) - Constructor for class
- InterfaceGraphicWindow.GraphicButton - Class in
Button to display window title; overrides UI delegate.
- InterfaceGraphListener - Interface in mgui.interfaces.graphs
- InterfaceHideablePanel - Class in mgui.interfaces
- InterfaceHideablePanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceHideablePanel
- InterfaceHideablePanel(InterfacePanel) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceHideablePanel
- InterfaceIO - Interface in
Interface for all classes performing I/O operations.
- InterfaceIODialogBox - Class in
Base class for all dialog boxes for specifying I/O options.
- InterfaceIODialogBox() - Constructor for class
- InterfaceIODialogBox(JFrame, InterfaceIOPanel, InterfaceIOOptions) - Constructor for class
- InterfaceIOException - Exception in
- InterfaceIOException(String) - Constructor for exception
- InterfaceIOOptions - Class in
specifically for I/O methods. - InterfaceIOOptions() - Constructor for class
- InterfaceIOPanel - Interface in
Interface for all panels performing IO operations involving
. - InterfaceIOType - Class in
Specifies an Input/Output interface object; e.g., file loaders or writers.
- InterfaceIOType() - Constructor for class
- InterfaceLayoutFrame - Class in mgui.interfaces.layouts
Frame to display a print layout window
- InterfaceLayoutFrame(InterfaceLayoutPanel, String, Dimension) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.layouts.InterfaceLayoutFrame
- InterfaceLayoutPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.layouts
Interface panel allowing interaction with a 2D Layout object.
- InterfaceLayoutPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.layouts.InterfaceLayoutPanel
- InterfaceLayoutWindow - Class in mgui.interfaces.layouts
Provides a window panel which specifies (via InterfaceLayoutObject) and renders a layout containing graphical objects from existing windows or objects.
- InterfaceLayoutWindow() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.layouts.InterfaceLayoutWindow
- InterfaceLayoutWindow(String) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.layouts.InterfaceLayoutWindow
- InterfaceListPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces
- InterfaceListPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceListPanel
- InterfaceMapPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.maps
Panel to create and modify various maps, including colour maps and value maps.
- InterfaceMapPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.maps.InterfaceMapPanel
- InterfaceMenu - Class in mgui.interfaces.menus
- InterfaceMenu(String, PopupMenuObject) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.menus.InterfaceMenu
- InterfaceMenu(PopupMenuObject) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.menus.InterfaceMenu
- InterfaceMeshPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes.mesh
Provides an interface to
objects. - InterfaceMeshPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.mesh.InterfaceMeshPanel
- InterfaceMorphPanel - Class in mgui.morph.sections
- InterfaceMorphPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.morph.sections.InterfaceMorphPanel
- InterfaceMorphPanel2 - Class in mgui.morph.sections
- InterfaceMorphPanel2() - Constructor for class mgui.morph.sections.InterfaceMorphPanel2
- InterfaceMouseListener - Interface in mgui.interfaces
Mouse listener for
objects - InterfaceMouseObject - Interface in mgui.interfaces
- InterfaceNetworkComponentListener - Interface in mgui.models.networks.components
- InterfaceNetworkTreeNode - Class in mgui.interfaces.neuro
- InterfaceNetworkTreeNode(AbstractNetwork) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.neuro.InterfaceNetworkTreeNode
- InterfaceNeuralNetListener - Interface in mgui.interfaces.neuro
- InterfaceNeuroAtlas - Class in mgui.interfaces.neuro
Defines an atlas mapping a set of data points to integers which map in turn to atlas names (via a name map).
- InterfaceNeuroAtlas(String) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.neuro.InterfaceNeuroAtlas
- InterfaceNeuroAtlas(String, ArrayList<MguiNumber>) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.neuro.InterfaceNeuroAtlas
- InterfaceNeuroAtlas(String, ArrayList<MguiNumber>, NameMap) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.neuro.InterfaceNeuroAtlas
- InterfaceNeuroComponentListener - Interface in mgui.interfaces.neuro
- InterfaceNeuroMeshPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes.neuro
- InterfaceNeuroMeshPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.neuro.InterfaceNeuroMeshPanel
- InterfaceNeuroMeshPanel2 - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes.neuro
- InterfaceNeuroMeshPanel2() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.neuro.InterfaceNeuroMeshPanel2
- InterfaceNeuroTreeNode - Class in mgui.interfaces.neuro
- InterfaceNeuroTreeNode(AbstractNeuroComponent) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.neuro.InterfaceNeuroTreeNode
- InterfaceObject - Interface in mgui.interfaces
Basic interface for all "interface" objects; i.e., objects which provide an interface between the user and the underlying model.
- InterfaceObjectListener - Interface in mgui.interfaces
Listener for all interface objects; currently only specifies a function for handling an object modification event.
- InterfaceOptions - Class in mgui.interfaces
Base interface for specifying options or parameters for some process.
- InterfaceOptions() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceOptions
- InterfaceOptionsDialogBox - Class in mgui.interfaces
Extension of
which provides a constructor accepting an instance ofInterfaceOptions
as an argument, which should be used as a means to transfer information between the dialog and its parent. - InterfaceOptionsDialogBox() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceOptionsDialogBox
- InterfaceOptionsDialogBox(JFrame, InterfaceOptions) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceOptionsDialogBox
- InterfaceOptionsTabbedDialogBox - Class in mgui.interfaces
Extension of
which allows for tabs. - InterfaceOptionsTabbedDialogBox() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceOptionsTabbedDialogBox
- InterfaceOptionsTabbedDialogBox(JFrame, InterfaceOptions) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceOptionsTabbedDialogBox
- InterfacePanel - Class in mgui.interfaces
Base class for all Swing panels (i.e., extensions of
) to be show in an instance ofInterfaceDisplayPanel
. - InterfacePanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfacePanel
- InterfacePipeline - Class in mgui.pipelines
Represents a series of
s that are to be run sequentially, such that the output of a task becomes the input of the subsequent one. - InterfacePipeline() - Constructor for class mgui.pipelines.InterfacePipeline
- InterfacePipeline(String) - Constructor for class mgui.pipelines.InterfacePipeline
- InterfacePipeline(String, LinkedList<PipelineTask>) - Constructor for class mgui.pipelines.InterfacePipeline
- InterfacePipelinesPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.pipelines
Provides a GUI for: creating, viewing, modifying, deleting, and executing pipelines.
- InterfacePipelinesPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.pipelines.InterfacePipelinesPanel
- InterfacePlot<T extends MguiNumber> - Class in mgui.interfaces.plots
Represents an abstract plot object.
- InterfacePlot() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlot
- InterfacePlotDialog<T extends InterfacePlot<?>> - Class in mgui.interfaces.plots
Abstract class to be extended by all dialogs which define
objects. - InterfacePlotDialog() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotDialog
- InterfacePlotDialog(JFrame, InterfacePlotOptions<T>) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotDialog
- InterfacePlotDisplay - Class in mgui.interfaces.plots
General graphic interface for all plots.
- InterfacePlotDisplay() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotDisplay
- InterfacePlotDisplay(InterfacePlot<?>) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotDisplay
- InterfacePlotMgui - Class in mgui.interfaces.plots.mgui
General class for displaying ModelGUI plots.
- InterfacePlotMgui() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.plots.mgui.InterfacePlotMgui
- InterfacePlotMulti - Class in mgui.interfaces.plots
Allows the display of multiple plots in a single InterfacePlot panel.
- InterfacePlotMulti() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotMulti
- InterfacePlotObject - Class in mgui.interfaces.plots
Abstract representation of a plottable object; allows objects to be represented generically as interface objects.
- InterfacePlotObject() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotObject
- InterfacePlotOptions<T extends InterfacePlot<?>> - Class in mgui.interfaces.plots
Options for a plot object.
- InterfacePlotOptions() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotOptions
- InterfacePlotOptions(T) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotOptions
- InterfacePlotOsp - Class in mgui.interfaces.plots.osp
General class for displaying Open Source Physics (OSP) plots.
- InterfacePlotOsp() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.plots.osp.InterfacePlotOsp
- InterfacePlotPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.plots
- InterfacePlotPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotPanel
- InterfacePlotSgt<T extends SgtPlotObject<?>> - Class in mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt
Abstract class for displaying Scientific Graphics Toolkit (SGT) plots.
- InterfacePlotSgt() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.InterfacePlotSgt
- InterfacePolygonPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes
- InterfacePolygonPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfacePolygonPanel
- InterfacePopupMenu - Class in mgui.interfaces.menus
- InterfacePopupMenu(String, PopupMenuObject) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.menus.InterfacePopupMenu
- InterfacePopupMenu(PopupMenuObject) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.menus.InterfacePopupMenu
- InterfaceProgressBar - Class in mgui.interfaces.gui
Panel to be used as a progress bar for all operations which require one.
- InterfaceProgressBar() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceProgressBar
- InterfaceProgressBar(String) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceProgressBar
- InterfaceProgressBar(String, int, int) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceProgressBar
- InterfaceProgressBar(String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceProgressBar
- InterfaceProject - Class in mgui.interfaces.projects
Represents a modelGUI project, which specifies an organizational structure for persistent data related to a common project.
- InterfaceProject() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProject
- InterfaceProject(String, File, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProject
- InterfaceProjectDialogBox - Class in mgui.interfaces.projects
Dialog for setting up or editing an InterfaceProject object.
- InterfaceProjectDialogBox() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProjectDialogBox
- InterfaceProjectDialogBox(JFrame, InterfaceOptions) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProjectDialogBox
- InterfaceProjectOptions - Class in mgui.interfaces.projects
- InterfaceProjectOptions() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProjectOptions
- InterfaceProjectOptions(InterfaceProject) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProjectOptions
- InterfaceProjectPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.projects
Panel which provides a user interface for InterfaceProjects.
- InterfaceProjectPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProjectPanel
- InterfaceQuery - Class in mgui.interfaces.queries
Interface for a class which allows it to query a given
. - InterfaceQuery() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.queries.InterfaceQuery
- InterfaceQueryObject - Interface in mgui.interfaces.queries
Interface which specifies methods for querying an implementing object.
- InterfaceQueryPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.queries
Provides an interface for queries; selecting and launching query tools, displaying query results, etc.
- InterfaceQueryPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.queries.InterfaceQueryPanel
- InterfaceRadialRep - Class in mgui.morph.sections
- InterfaceRadialRep() - Constructor for class mgui.morph.sections.InterfaceRadialRep
- InterfaceRadialRep(InterfaceDisplayPanel) - Constructor for class mgui.morph.sections.InterfaceRadialRep
- InterfaceRadialRep2 - Class in mgui.morph.sections
- InterfaceRadialRep2() - Constructor for class mgui.morph.sections.InterfaceRadialRep2
- InterfaceRadialRep2(InterfaceDisplayPanel) - Constructor for class mgui.morph.sections.InterfaceRadialRep2
- InterfaceSectionSetPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes
Updated version of InterfaceSectionSet that sets a current section set for a given Graphic2D window, and sets current sections for that window.
- InterfaceSectionSetPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceSectionSetPanel
- InterfaceSelectionPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces
Provides an interface for creating and managing shape selection sets.
- InterfaceSelectionPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceSelectionPanel
- InterfaceSelectionSet - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection
Interface panel providing user interaction with selection sets.
- InterfaceSelectionSet() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection.InterfaceSelectionSet
- InterfaceSession - Class in mgui.interfaces
This is the main entry point into the mgui application.
- InterfaceSession() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceSession
- InterfaceShape - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes
Abstract base class for all shape interfaces (ShapeInts).
- InterfaceShape() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- InterfaceShape.VertexDataSet - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes
- InterfaceShapeLoader - Class in
Abstract loader class for all loaders which load InterfaceShape objects.
- InterfaceShapeLoader() - Constructor for class
- InterfaceShapeQuery - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes.queries
Base class for all shape queries.
- InterfaceShapeQuery(String) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.queries.InterfaceShapeQuery
- InterfaceShapeQuery.QueryMode - Enum in mgui.interfaces.shapes.queries
- InterfaceShapeQueryObject - Interface in mgui.interfaces.shapes.queries
Defines a query object for
instances. - InterfaceShapesPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes
Interface panel providing a GUI for general shape-related functions.
- InterfaceShapesPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShapesPanel
- InterfaceShapesPanel.VertexSelectionTableModel - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes
- InterfaceShapeWriter - Class in
General writer for an
object. - InterfaceShapeWriter() - Constructor for class
- InterfaceShapeXMLHandler - Class in
XML handler for an InterfaceShape object.
- InterfaceShapeXMLHandler() - Constructor for class
Empty constructor; shape must be set
- InterfaceShapeXMLHandler(InterfaceShape) - Constructor for class
Construct with a shape.
- InterfaceSplitPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces
Displays two
s, split either horizontally or vertically. - InterfaceSplitPanel(int, InterfaceGraphicWindow, InterfaceGraphicWindow) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceSplitPanel
- InterfaceStatusBarPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces
Interface panel which acts as a status bar for a given instance of
. - InterfaceStatusBarPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceStatusBarPanel
- InterfaceStripChart - Class in mgui.interfaces.plots.osp
Displays an OSP StripChart; i.e., time vs.
- InterfaceStripChart() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.plots.osp.InterfaceStripChart
- InterfaceStripChart(String) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.plots.osp.InterfaceStripChart
- InterfaceStripChart.Variable - Class in mgui.interfaces.plots.osp
- InterfaceTabbedDialogBox - Class in mgui.interfaces
Extends InterfaceDialogBox to implement tabs.
- InterfaceTabbedDialogBox(JFrame) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceTabbedDialogBox
- InterfaceTabbedDisplayPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces
This class extends
in order to provide a tabbed window pane, similar to a typical web browser. - InterfaceTabbedDisplayPanel(SessionFrame) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceTabbedDisplayPanel
- InterfaceTableModel - Class in mgui.interfaces.tables
Abstract Table Model interface class.
- InterfaceTableModel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.tables.InterfaceTableModel
- InterfaceTextBox - Class in mgui.interfaces
- InterfaceTextBox() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceTextBox
- InterfaceTextBox(String) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceTextBox
- InterfaceTool2DPanel - Class in
- InterfaceTool2DPanel() - Constructor for class
- InterfaceToolPanel - Class in
Panel displaying buttons for various tools, categorized.
- InterfaceToolPanel() - Constructor for class
- InterfaceTransferable - Interface in mgui.interfaces.transfers
to provide an interface which allows both transfers of, and transfers into, the underlying object. - InterfaceTree - Class in mgui.interfaces.trees
This class extends
by specializing for modelGUI. - InterfaceTree() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTree
- InterfaceTree(Object[]) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTree
- InterfaceTree(TreeModel) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTree
- InterfaceTree(TreeNode) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTree
- InterfaceTreeCellEditor - Class in mgui.interfaces.trees
- InterfaceTreeCellEditor() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeCellEditor
- InterfaceTreeCellRenderer - Class in mgui.interfaces.trees
Renderer for instances of
. - InterfaceTreeCellRenderer() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeCellRenderer
- InterfaceTreeNode - Class in mgui.interfaces.trees
Base class for tree nodes representing ModelGUI objects (instances of InterfaceObject).
- InterfaceTreeNode() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeNode
- InterfaceTreeNode(String) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeNode
- InterfaceTreeNode(InterfaceObject) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeNode
- InterfaceTreeNode(InterfaceObject, JTree) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeNode
- InterfaceTreePanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.trees
Provides a tree interface for model objects
- InterfaceTreePanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreePanel
- InterfaceTreeTable - Class in mgui.interfaces.trees
Provides an implementation for a tree/table combination.
- InterfaceTreeTable(TreeTableModel) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeTable
- InterfaceTreeTable.TreeTableCellEditor - Class in mgui.interfaces.trees
- InterfaceTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer - Class in mgui.interfaces.trees
- interfaceType - Variable in class
- interfaceType - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection.InterfaceSelectionSet
- interfaceType - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Text2DIntMouseCoords
- InterfaceView3DObject - Interface in
- InterfaceVolumePanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume
Interface panel which allows the user to interact with Volume3DInt objects.
- InterfaceVolumePanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.InterfaceVolumePanel
- InterfaceVolumePanel.SliderTableColumn - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume
- InterfaceVolumeSetPanel - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume
Panel to provide an interface with a volume overlay set.
- InterfaceVolumeSetPanel() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.InterfaceVolumeSetPanel
- InterfaceVolumeSetPanel.AlphaSliderEditor - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume
- InterfaceVolumeSetPanel.AlphaSliderRenderer - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume
- InterfaceVolumeSetPanel.OverlayVolumeTableModel - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume
- InterfaceWorkspace - Class in mgui.interfaces
A Workspace acts as a container for all data models and graphics windows.
- InterfaceWorkspace() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceWorkspace
- InterfaceWorkspace.CollectionTreeNode - Class in mgui.interfaces
- InterfileHeader() - Constructor for class
- InterfileLoader - Class in
Loads volume data stored in Interfile format.
- InterfileLoader() - Constructor for class
- InterfileLoader.InterfileHeader - Class in
- interpolate(double[], double[], double[], double[][][], ProgressUpdater) - Method in class mgui.geometry.volume.TricubicSplineInterpolaterUpdater
- interpolate(double, double, double) - Static method in class mgui.util.MathFunctions
- interpolate(Colour, Colour, double) - Static method in class mgui.util.Colours
Interpolate a colour between c1 and c2, and point iVal (0.0 to 1.0)
- interrupt() - Method in class mgui.command.CommandInstance
Requests that the currently executing process terminate
- interrupt() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.InterfacePipeline
- interrupt() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineProcessInstance
- interrupt() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineTask
Attempts to terminate the execution of this task, if it is started, and sets its status to
. - interrupt(long) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.JavaProcess
- interrupt(long) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.NativeProcess
- interrupt(long) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineProcess
Interrupts an instance of this process
- Interrupted - mgui.command.CommandFunctions.ProcessState
- Interrupted - mgui.pipelines.PipelineTask.Status
- intersects(Mesh3D, Point3f, Vector3f) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.mesh.MeshFunctions
Determines whether a vector defined by
. - intersects(Triangle3D, Plane3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether triangle intersects plane
- intersects(Triangle3D, Triangle3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether
intersect. - intersects(Vector3D, Point3f) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether
, within the tolerance set for this session instance (GeometryFunctions.error
). - intersects(Vector3D, Point3f, double) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether
, within the given tolerance. - intersects(Point3f, Vector3f, Triangle3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
- IntPolygon2DInt - Class in mgui.interfaces.shapes
- IntPolygon2DInt() - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.IntPolygon2DInt
- IntPolygon2DInt(Polygon2D) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.IntPolygon2DInt
- IntPolygon2DInt(Polygon2DInt) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.shapes.IntPolygon2DInt
- intRect3D - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
- intToByte(int) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.volume.VolumeFunctions
- intToByteArray(int, ByteOrder) - Static method in class
Thanks to for this.
- intToBytes(int) - Static method in class
Converts an
value to four bytes. - invalidate() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.tree.NonPrivateDefaultTreeCellRenderer
Overridden for performance reasons.
- invalidateLayout(Container) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.layouts.LineLayout
- InvalidValueClassException - Exception in mgui.interfaces.maps
- InvalidValueClassException() - Constructor for exception mgui.interfaces.maps.InvalidValueClassException
- inverse() - Method in class
- invert_x - Variable in class
- invert_y - Variable in class
- invert_z - Variable in class
- invertData - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.VolumeMaskOptions_old
- invertMask(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
- invertMax - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.VolumeMaskOptions_old
- invertMin - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.VolumeMaskOptions_old
- invertShape - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.VolumeMaskOptions_old
- io - Variable in class
- io_objects - Variable in class
- io_options - Variable in class
- io_panel - Variable in class
- IoFunctions - Class in
Utility class which provides functions for common I/O operations.
- IoFunctions() - Constructor for class
- IoFunctions.FileType - Enum in
- ioTypes - Variable in class
- is_active - Variable in class
- is_adjustable - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.stats.HistogramPlot
- is_auxiliary - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- is_cached - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.datasources.DataTableModel
- is_cancelled - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.gui.AbstractProgressUpdater
- is_destroyed - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtPlotLayout
- is_destroyed - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.startup.InitFrame
- is_destroyed - Variable in class mgui.neuro.imaging.camino.CaminoTaskTreeNode
- is_discrete - Variable in class mgui.image.util.WindowedColourModel
- is_fillable - Variable in class mgui.geometry.util.NodeShape
- is_finished - Variable in class
- is_indeterminate - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.gui.AbstractProgressUpdater
- is_interrupted - Variable in class mgui.command.CommandInstance
- is_interrupted - Variable in class mgui.pipelines.JavaProcess
- is_live3d - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeModel3D
- is_masked(int, int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.GridSampleModel
added Andrew Reid
- is_new_record - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.datasources.DataTableModel
- is_nifti - Variable in class
- is_ok - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.pipelines.PipelineProcessInstanceDialogBox
- is_ok - Variable in class
- is_ok - Variable in class
- is_registered - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- is_snapshot - Variable in class
- is_solid - Variable in class mgui.image.util.WindowedColourModel
- is_thread_caching - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.datasources.DataTableModel
- is_vertex_data - Variable in class
- isAbovePlane(Point3f, Plane3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Deprecated.use compareToPlane
- isActive() - Method in class
- isActive(double, double) - Method in class mgui.models.updaters.PulseTrainUpdater.CurrentPulse
- isActive(double, double) - Method in class mgui.neuro.updaters.PulseTrainUpdater.CurrentPulse
- isActive(long) - Method in class
- isAddNew - Variable in class mgui.datasources.DataRecordSet
- isAdjacent(Mesh3D.MeshFace3D) - Method in class mgui.geometry.Mesh3D.MeshFace3D
Determines whether
shares at least one edge (two vertices) with this face. - isAncestorSet(ShapeSet) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.SectionSet3DInt
- isAncestorSet(ShapeSet) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection.ShapeSelectionSet
- isAncestorSet(ShapeSet) - Method in interface mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet
Determines whether
is an ancestor set of this set; i.e., whether this set is a subset ofset
. - isAncestorSet(ShapeSet) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet2DInt
Determines whether
is an ancestor of this set. - isAncestorSet(ShapeSet) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet3DInt
Determines whether
is an ancestor of this set. - isAssignableFrom(ReifiedArrayList<E>) - Method in class mgui.collections.ReifiedArrayList
- isAutoBackClip() - Method in class
- isAutoRange() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtAxis
Indicates whether this axis automatically adjusts its range to its data.
- isAutoRangeX() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtCartesianLayout
Indicates whether this layout automatically adjusts its X range to its X data.
- isAutoRangeY() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtCartesianLayout
Indicates whether this layout automatically adjusts its Y range to its Y data.
- isAuxiliaryShape() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- isAuxiliaryShape(boolean) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- isBadFace(Mesh3D.MeshFace3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.mesh.MeshFunctions
- isBoolean() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataField
- isBoundaryNode(int) - Method in class mgui.geometry.mesh.NeighbourhoodMesh
Returns true if this node lies on a mesh boundary; false otherwise.
- isBusy() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.stats.HistogramPlot
- isByRef() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
- isCancelled() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.gui.AbstractProgressUpdater
- isCancelled() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceProgressBar
- isCancelled() - Method in interface mgui.interfaces.ProgressUpdater
Indicates whether the monitored process has been cancelled
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.table.AttributeTableModel
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.datasources.DataTableModel
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.gui.RowNumberTable
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtMultilinePlotDialog.YTableModel
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtScatterPlotDialog.XYTableModel
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShapesPanel.VertexSelectionTableModel
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.InterfaceVolumeSetPanel.OverlayVolumeTableModel
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.TreeTableModelAdapter
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.variables.tables.VariableTableModel
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
- isCellEditable(Object, int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.AbstractTreeTableModel
By default, make the column with the Tree in it the only editable one.
- isCellEditable(Object, int) - Method in interface mgui.interfaces.trees.TreeTableModel
Indicates whether the the value for node
, at column numbercolumn
is editable. - isCellEditable(EventObject) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.AbstractTreeCellEditor
- isChanged() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.Plane3DDialog
- isClockwise(ArrayList<MguiFloat>) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines from a list of vertex-wise cross-products whether a polygon is clockwise or not (i.e., counter-clockwise).
- isClockwise(Polygon2D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether a polygon is clockwise or not (i.e., counter-clockwise).
- isClockwise(Point2f, Point2f, Point2f) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether a triangle defined by three 2D points is clockwise or not (i.e., counter-clockwise).
- isClockwise(Point3f, Point3f, Point3f) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether a triangle defined by three 3D points is clockwise or not (i.e., counter-clockwise).
- isClockwiseFace(int) - Method in class mgui.geometry.Mesh3D
- isClosed() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataRecordSet
- isClosed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Polygon2DInt
- isClosed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Polygon3DInt
Determines whether this polygon's end vertices are to be connected.
- isClosed(boolean) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Polygon2DInt
- isCoincident(Point2f, Point2f) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether
and p2 coincide, within the default tolerance distanceGeometryFunctions.error
. - isCoincident(Point2f, Point2f, float) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether
and p2 coincide, within the given tolerance distance. - isCoincident(Point3d, Point3d) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether
and p2 coincide, within the default tolerance distanceGeometryFunctions.error
. - isCoincident(Point3f, Point3f) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether
and p2 coincide, within the default tolerance distanceGeometryFunctions.error
. - isComparable() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataField
- isComparable(int) - Static method in class mgui.datasources.DataTypes
- isCompatibleObject(InterfaceObject) - Method in class
Does this I/O type handle objects of type
? - isCompatibleOptions(InterfaceIOOptions) - Method in class
Determines whether
is compatible with this type - isCompatibleRaster(Raster) - Method in class mgui.image.util.WindowedColourModel
- isCompatibleType(InterfaceIOType) - Method in class
Determines whether this type supports all of the objects supported by
- isComposite() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
Determines whether this volume is current set to render as a composite of its columns
, or as the current column onlyfalse
. - isComposite(boolean) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
Set the flag which determines whether this volume should render as a composite of its columns
show == true
, or as the current column onlyshow == false
. - isComposite(boolean, boolean) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
Set the flag which determines whether this volume should render as a composite of its columns
show == true
, or as the current column onlyshow == false
. - isConnected - Variable in class mgui.datasources.DataSource
- isConnected() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataSource
- isConnectedToDendrite() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.AbstractDendrite
- isConnectedToDendrite() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.compartments.CompartmentalDendrite
- isConnectedToDendrite() - Method in interface mgui.neuro.components.Dendrite
- isConnectedToSoma() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.AbstractDendrite
- isConnectedToSoma() - Method in class mgui.neuro.components.compartments.CompartmentalDendrite
- isConnectedToSoma() - Method in interface mgui.neuro.components.Dendrite
- isConsumed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.ShapeEvent
- isConvex(ArrayList<MguiFloat>) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines from a list of vertex-wise cross-products whether a polygon is convex or not (i.e., concave).
- isCopiable - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.Attribute
- isCopiable() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.Attribute
Is this attribute copiable?
- isCtrlPressed() - Method in class
- isCurrent(int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.SectionSet2DInt
- isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection.ShapeSelectionSet
- isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape2DInt
- isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape3DInt
- isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeModel3D
- isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet3DInt
- isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineTask
- isDate() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataField
- isDestroyed - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.AbstractInterfaceObject
- isDestroyed - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceAbstractGraph
- isDestroyed - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceProgressBar
- isDestroyed - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.InterfacePanel
- isDestroyed - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlot
- isDestroyed - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeNode
- isDestroyed - Variable in class mgui.models.dynamic.functions.Function
- isDestroyed - Variable in class mgui.models.environments.AbstractEnvironmentDataSource
- isDestroyed - Variable in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.AbstractInterfaceObject
- isDestroyed() - Method in class
- isDestroyed() - Method in class
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceAbstractGraph
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDisplayPanel
- isDestroyed() - Method in interface mgui.interfaces.InterfaceObject
Test whether this object has been destroyed
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceOptions
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfacePanel
- isDestroyed() - Method in class
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlot
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.mgui.PlotMap2D
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtPlotLayout
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.queries.InterfaceQuery
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceSectionSetPanel
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection.ShapeSelectionSet
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeModel3D
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSceneNode
- isDestroyed() - Method in interface mgui.interfaces.shapes.util.ShapeListener
if this listener has been destroyed. - isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.tables.InterfaceTableModel
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeNode
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.models.dynamic.functions.Function
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.models.environments.AbstractEnvironmentDataSource
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineProcess
- isDestroyed() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.TaskParameterInstance
- isDisplayable(Object) - Method in class
- isDisplayable(Object) - Method in class
- isDisplayable(Object) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceGraphDisplay
- isDisplayable(Object) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotDisplay
- isDisplayable(Object) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.tables.InterfaceDataTable
- isDragging - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.maps.ContinuousColourBar
- isDrawable - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- isDrawable() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- isDropCell - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.tree.NonPrivateDefaultTreeCellRenderer
- isDynamic - Variable in class
- isEdit - Variable in class mgui.datasources.DataRecordSet
- isEditable - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.Attribute
- isEditable - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.table.AttributeTableModel
- isEditable - Variable in class
- isEditable() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataField
- isEditable() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.Attribute
- isEditable() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.variables.VariableInt
- isEmpty() - Method in class
- isEmpty() - Method in class
- isEnabled(int, int) - Method in class
Return the enabled state of a component, based on the XML type
- isEOF() - Method in class
- isEven(double) - Static method in class mgui.numbers.NumberFunctions
- isExclusive() - Method in class
- isExclusive() - Method in class
- isExclusive() - Method in class
- isExclusive() - Method in class
- isExclusive() - Method in class
- isExclusive() - Method in class
- isExclusive() - Method in class
- isExclusive() - Method in class
- isExclusive() - Method in class
- isExclusive() - Method in class
- isExclusive() - Method in interface
Specifies whether this tool requires exclusively; otherwise it will run in parallel with the default tool, if one exists.
- isExpanded - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.layouts.CategoryTitle
- isFillable() - Method in class mgui.geometry.util.NodeShape
Determines whether this shape should be filled
- isFiltered - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.datasources.DataTableModel
- isFinished() - Method in class
- isFlushToMain() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtAxis
Determines whether this axis should appear flush with the main opposing axis.
- isGenericAssignable(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class mgui.classes.ClassFunctions
- isHeritableAttribute(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.graphs.Graph3DInt
- isHeritableAttribute(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
Is this parent attribute inherited by a child shape?
- isHeritableAttribute(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Mesh3DInt
- isHeritableAttribute(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape2DInt
- isHeritableAttribute(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape3DInt
- isHidden - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceHideablePanel
- isImageShape - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- isImageShape() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Image2DInt
- isImageShape() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- isImmediate - Variable in class
- isImmediate - Variable in class
- isImmediate - Variable in class
- isImmediate() - Method in class
- isImmediate() - Method in class
- isImmediate() - Method in class
- isImmediate() - Method in class
- isImmediate() - Method in interface
Specifies whether this tool is immediate; this indicates that it should be run immediately upon calling and stop, rather than wait for AWT events.
- isInheritingAttribute(Attribute<?>) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
Does this child attribute inherit values from a parent shape?
- isInheritingAttribute(Attribute<?>) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.PointSet2DInt
- isInheritingAttribute(Attribute<?>) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape2DInt
- isInheritingAttribute(Attribute<?>) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape3DInt
- isInit() - Static method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceEnvironment
Indicates whether this environment has been initialized (i.e., the
function has been called). - isInit() - Static method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceSession
Specifies whether this session has been completely initialized yet.
- isInMask(int, int, int, VolumeMaskOptions_old) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.volume.VolumeFunctions
Determines whether the voxel at i, j, k is in the mask specified by params.
- isInPlane(Shape3D, Plane3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether shape s lies in plane p
- isInPlane(Point3d, Plane3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether point
lies inplane
- isInPlane(Point3d, Vector3d, Plane3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether the given line segment lies in
. - isInPlane(Point3f, Plane3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether point
lies in planeplane
- isInPlane(Point3f, Vector3f, Plane3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether the given line segment lies in
. - isInput() - Method in class
Is this input?
- isInteger(String) - Static method in class mgui.util.StringFunctions
Determines whether
can be converted to an integer - isIntermediateAngleCW(double, double, double) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
- isInternalConcave(Polygon2D, Point2f) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Tests whether a point pt is contained within the boundary of a polygon poly.
- isInternalConvex(Polygon2D, Point2f) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Tests whether a point pt is contained within the boundary of a convex polygon poly.
- isInterrupted() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.JavaProcess
- isKeyField() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataField
- isLabelShape() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape2DInt
- isLabelShape() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Text2DInt
- isLeaf(Object) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.AbstractTreeTableModel
- isLegalName(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
Is this a legal name for a shape.
- isLight - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- isLight() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- isLive() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape3DInt
- isLive3D() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeModel3D
Indicates whether this model has a live 3D node
- isLocked - Variable in class mgui.datasources.DataRecordSet
- isMapped - Variable in class mgui.morph.sections.MappedPolygon2D
- isMaskApplied(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
- isMaskedAtPoint(Point3f) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
Determines whether the voxel enclosing
is masked. - isMaskedAtVoxel(int[]) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
Determines whether
is masked by any active mask - isMaskedAtVoxel(int, int, int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Volume3DInt
Determines whether
is masked by any active mask - isMember(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class mgui.classes.ClassFunctions
- isModified - Variable in class mgui.datasources.DataField
- isMouseOverSelect - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeNode
- isMultiFileEnabled() - Method in class
- isMultiFileEnabled() - Method in class
- isMultiFileEnabled() - Method in class
- isMultiFileEnabled() - Method in class
- isMultiFileEnabled() - Method in class
- isMultiFileEnabled() - Method in class
- isMultiFileEnabled() - Method in class
- isMultiFileEnabled() - Method in class
- isNameMapped(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.VertexDataColumn
if the data link specified byname
has an associated name map. - isNewGrid() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.InterfaceVolumePanel
- isNextSection - Variable in class mgui.morph.sections.MorphSections3DInt
- isNifti() - Method in class
- isNonZeroVector(Vector3d) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
- isNonZeroVector(Vector3f) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
- isNumeric - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.Attribute
- isNumeric() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataField
- isNumeric() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.Attribute
- isNumeric() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.variables.MatrixInt
- isNumeric() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.variables.StringVectorInt
- isNumeric() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.variables.VariableInt
Determines whether this variable contains numeric values.
- isNumeric(int) - Static method in class mgui.datasources.DataTypes
Determines whether a given SQL type is numeric
- isNumeric(Object) - Static method in class mgui.numbers.NumberFunctions
Determines whether
is numeric; i.e., an instance ofMguiNumber
(except arBoolean), or a Java primitive wrapper (one ofInteger
, orDouble
). - isNumeric(String) - Static method in class mgui.command.CommandInterpreter
- isNumeric(String) - Static method in class mgui.util.StringFunctions
Determines whether
can be converted to a number - isOblique(double) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
- isObtuse(Triangle3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether
is an obtuse triangle. - isOn - Variable in class
- isOutput() - Method in class
Is this output?
- isOverridden - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
- isOverriding() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet2DInt
- isOverriding() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet3DInt
Query whether this set is currently overriding its members' attributes.
- isParallel(Plane3D, Plane3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether the two planes are parallel.
- isPathEditable(TreePath) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTree
- isPopulated() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataIndex
Test whether this index is currently populated.
- isPrependSubjectInput() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineProcessInstance
- isPrependSubjectOutput() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineProcessInstance
- isPrevSection - Variable in class mgui.morph.sections.MorphSections3DInt
- isRegistered() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceProgressBar
- isRequired() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataField
- isReversed - Variable in class mgui.morph.sections.MappedPolygon2D
- isReversed() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtAxis
Determines whether the ordinates on this axis are reversed.
- isSecret - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.Attribute
- isSecret() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.Attribute
- isSelectable - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeNode
- isSelectable() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
Returns the selectability of this
. - isSelectable() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection.ShapeSelectionSet
- isSelectable() - Method in interface mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet
- isSelectable() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.trees.InterfaceTreeNode
- isSelected(int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtMultilinePlotDialog.YTableModel
- isSelected(int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtScatterPlotDialog.XYTableModel
- isSelected(int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.mesh.VertexSelection
- isSet - Variable in class
- isShape() - Method in interface
- isShape() - Method in class
- isShape() - Method in class
- isShape() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceSelectionPanel
- isShape() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.queries.InterfaceQueryPanel
- isShape() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection.InterfaceSelectionSet
- isShape() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet3DInt
- isShape() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Text2DIntMouseCoords
- isShiftPressed() - Method in class
- isSolidColour() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.volume.GridVertexDataColumn
Whether this column should be rendered as a solid colour (for values > 0).
- isStopped() - Method in class
Determines whether this video is currently running or not.
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataField
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.AbstractInterfaceObject
Issues a new tree node and sets it using
. - issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.Attribute
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceAbstractGraph
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceOptions
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfacePanel
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.mgui.PlotMap2D
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.sgt.SgtPlotLayout
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.queries.InterfaceQuery
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.SectionSet3DInt
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection.ShapeSelectionSet
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape2DInt
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.Shape3DInt
Issues a new tree node for this ShapeInt.
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeModel3D
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet2DInt
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.tables.InterfaceTableModel
- issueTreeNode() - Method in interface mgui.interfaces.trees.TreeObject
Issues a new
for this object. - issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.models.environments.SimpleEnvironment
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineProcess
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineTask
- issueTreeNode() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.TaskParameterInstance
- isSVGFile(File) - Static method in class
- isSVGFileName(String) - Static method in class
- isTaskFailed() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineState
- isTaskInterrupted() - Method in class mgui.pipelines.PipelineState
- isTaskLocked() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceEnvironment
Indicates whether the environment is locked with a task.
- isText() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataField
- isText(int) - Static method in class mgui.datasources.DataTypes
Determines whether a given SQL type is text
- isText(DataType) - Static method in class mgui.datasources.DataTypes
Determines whether a given data type is text
- isTimestamp() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataField
- isToolable(Tool) - Method in class
- isToolable(Tool) - Method in class
- isToolable(Tool) - Method in class
- isToolable(Tool) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.graphs.InterfaceGraphDisplay
- isToolable(Tool) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDisplayPanel
- isToolable(Tool) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.plots.InterfacePlotDisplay
- isToolable(Tool) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.tables.InterfaceDataTable
- isToolable(Tool) - Method in interface
Tests whether this object is toolable by
- isType(Object, int) - Static method in class mgui.datasources.DataTypes
- isUnique() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataField
- isUpdatable - Variable in class mgui.datasources.DataRecordSet
- isUpdatable() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataRecordSet
Specifies whether this record set can be updated.
- isUpdated() - Method in class mgui.neuro.stats.SimpleStatistics
- isValid() - Method in class mgui.datasources.DataConnection
- isValid() - Method in class mgui.geometry.Mesh3D.MeshFace3D
- isValidPoint(Point2f) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
- isValidPoint(Point3f) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
- isValidSphere(Sphere3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
- isValidTitle(String) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceDisplayPanel
- isValidTriangle(Triangle3D) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
- isValidVector(Vector2f) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
- isValidVector(Vector3d) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
- isValidVector(Vector3f) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
- isVisible() - Method in class
- isVisible() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceShape
Returns the visibility of this
. - isVisible() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.LPolygon2DInt
- isVisible() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection.ShapeSelectionSet
- isVisible() - Method in interface mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet
- isVisible() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.trees.ShapeTreeCellRenderer
- isVisible(int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet2DInt
- isVisible(int) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.ShapeSet3DInt
Determines whether the
th member of this set is visible - isWorkingSet() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceSelectionPanel
- isWriting() - Method in class
- isZero(Tuple3f) - Static method in class mgui.geometry.util.GeometryFunctions
Determines whether
is of length zero. - Item(Object, String) - Constructor for class mgui.interfaces.Clipboard.Item
- item_map - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.layouts.LayoutDocument
- items - Variable in class mgui.interfaces.maps.ValueMap
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.AttributeSelection
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.AttributeSelectionMap
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.attributes.tree.AttributeTreeCellEditor
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceComboPanel
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.InterfaceSelectionPanel
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.pipelines.InterfacePipelinesPanel
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.projects.InterfaceProjectPanel
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.queries.InterfaceQueryPanel
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.InterfaceSectionSetPanel
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.mesh.InterfaceMeshPanel
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class mgui.interfaces.shapes.selection.InterfaceSelectionSet
- iter - Variable in class mgui.models.dynamic.DynamicModelEngine
- iterate() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.gui.AbstractProgressUpdater
- iterate() - Method in class mgui.interfaces.gui.InterfaceProgressBar
- iterate() - Method in interface mgui.interfaces.ProgressUpdater
Increment progress by 1
- iterateSubsection() - Method in class mgui.morph.sections.MorphSections3DInt
- iterations - Variable in class mgui.morph.sections.MorphSections3DInt
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